I'd like to take the opportunity (now that I have stabilized somewhat) to thank Nick for this fanatastic prize! I had hoped my opinions would be of some use, but as I said in my entry, your site is fantastic already.
This is all just amazing . . . I now find myself paralyzed with Tartan choices . . .
Thanks again!!!
[B]Barnett[/B] (House, no clan) -- Motto [i]Virescit Vulnere Virtus[/i] (Courage Flourishes at a Wound)
[B]Livingston(e)[/B] (Ancestral family allied with) -- Motto [i]Se je puis[/i] (If I can)
[B]Anderson[/B] (married into) -- Motto [i]Stand Sure
[/i][b]Frame[/b] Lanarkshire in the fifteenth century