from Seattle, WA.
Welcome from Hawaii
Ooooo oooo! I be a good people! from Medina, OH!
from Salt Lake City, Utah
Welcome from Northern Colorado!
Thank you for all of the warm welcomes! I look forward to interesting and informative conversations from everyone! Cheers! Don
from the Old Dominion State!
Mael Coluim of Virginia St. Columba Voyage Clan MacCallum Malcolm Society
Welcome from Salinas CA.!!!! And remember- "Thinking sucks!"-Beavis.
Welcome from Hillsboro, Oregon.
Welcome to the rabble from West Texas.
A kilted Celt on the border. Kentoc'h mervel eget bezaņ saotret Omne bellum sumi facile, ceterum ægerrume desinere.
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