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  1. #21
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blinki View Post
    Please forgive my ignorance but who or what is Bri-TEx fabrics?
    Here you go: http://www.britexfabrics.com/

  2. #22
    Join Date
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    Thanks for the link walkerk!

  3. #23
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by davedove View Post
    It's a vicious circle. Because there tend to be fewer people who make their own clothes, the stores carry fewer supplies and even fewer of the less common ones.

    Then, because the stores don't have the supplies, those who might make their own get frustrated and give up, buying the ready made clothing.

    Which, in turn, lowers the demand in the stores, so they stock fewer supplies, etc.
    If that were totally true, it wouldn't irritate me so much. I wear a 16 1/2 x 37-38 shirt size. I will go into a specialty store to buy a shirt, and they will all tell me that "we only get one or two of that size and they sell out the first day" When I ask "Well, can't you order more?" the reply is,
    "We have to take what they send us." In short some one is making the decision as to what the story will carry from headquarters, perhaps half a continent away. Why they can't ask the stores to list what is requested is beyond me.
    The pipes are calling, resistance is futile. - MacTalla Mor

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carolina Kiltman View Post
    ... When I ask "Well, can't you order more?" the reply is,
    "We have to take what they send us." In short some one is making the decision as to what the story will carry from headquarters, perhaps half a continent away. Why they can't ask the stores to list what is requested is beyond me.

    This is EXACTLY what Hancock Fabrics tells me of certain on-sale fabrics in their store. Ugh!

  5. #25
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carolina Kiltman View Post
    [snip]. . .they will all tell me that "we only get one or two of that size and they sell out the first day" When I ask "Well, can't you order more?" the reply is,
    "We have to take what they send us." [snip]
    Reminds me of searching for a specific kitchen gadget -- fellow at Linens 'n Things said "we only get those at Thanksgiving and they sell out right away. Then we can't order any more." No wonder LNT had to close half its stores!

    And on my recent trip to Chico CA, found that the Hancock Fabrics there had closed. . . building now occupied by a "dollar store". . . sigh.
    Proudly Duncan [maternal], MacDonald and MacDaniel [paternal].

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