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View Poll Results: Which name for my new dog?

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  • Siobhan

    11 30.56%
  • Mairead

    4 11.11%
  • Iseabail

    3 8.33%
  • Mackenzie/Kenna

    14 38.89%
  • Effie

    4 11.11%
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  1. #21
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lily View Post
    If I take a new dog I always look at her/him first , sometimes short otherwise it will take me some days to "see" the dog ,s name.
    I've heard this advice from others, too, and I highly recommend it. That's what we did when we got our puppy (9 years ago , now). He's a Dalmatian/Black Lab mix. We got the black spots on the white coat (white hair everywhere in my house), but the disposition of the lab. Great dog for with my kids.

    We call him "Chip" or "Chipper". I always say his real name is Chocolate Chip Ice Cream.

    Anyway - congrats on the new pet. Dogs are great.

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cat View Post
    I like it . . it has a good sound to it .

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by georgeblack7 View Post
    Cat... such an ironic screen name for a new dog owner.
    Well, I've always been primarily a cat person, but over the past few years, I've really come to love dogs too (I guess I'm just an animal-lover at heart, since I've also owned ferrets and rats as pets over the past couple years.) Dogs and cats both have unique elements to their species and personalities that the other doesn't possess, so I figured why not have both!

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry View Post
    Okay, so what tranquilizers is the dog on? If my Aussie mix was any more hyper, she'd go into orbit. As for names, I like Mackenzie, and Kenna for short. Short one or two syllable names are best for dogs.
    I don't know, she's definitely got an atypical Aussie energy level (although it fits me quite nicely.) She's actually just laying next to my computer desk and sleeping right now, and she seems happiest to just sit on the couch with me (she doesn't play fetch or seem interested in catching a ball, but I'm going to start training her for that.) But she learns quickly (she learned "down" in only four or five tries!)

    The only minor problem is that she's got a bit of kennel cough, but the shelter I adopted her from offers free medical care for 15 days after the adoption, so we'll go and get her checked out and get some antibiotics on Thursday.

    One really funny thing about her is that, unlike most dogs, instead of her ears perking up when she gets excited, they almost stick straight out to the side and she looks like Yoda! I always ask her if her take-off has been cleared by the tower.

  5. #25
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    I've had Aussie dogs for nearly 20 years to assist with the animals, all were "rescue" dogs. I had to send one away out of 6 as not being able to fit in and work with other animals or people. The last one is 16 now and she still "guards." She too, get the "bat ears" when she gets excited or curious. My best to you and Kenzie and when she figures out that the cat belongs to her, at her house, there should be harmony.

    MacSithigh of Ireland--Southern Donald of Scotland

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