3rd December 08, 11:50 PM
Top 5 Chistmas themed videos at chez Zardoz;
The Nightmare Before Christmas
Edward Sissorhands
The Hogfather
The Muppet Christmas Carol
Yeah, we know, a little weird
Order of the Dandelion, The Houston Area Kilt Society, Bald Rabble in Kilts, Kilted Texas Rabble Rousers, The Flatcap Confederation, Kilted Playtron Group.
"If you’re going to talk the talk, you’ve got to walk the walk"
4th December 08, 01:02 AM
A Charlie Brown Christmas
How the Grinch Stole Christmas ( Boris Karloff- narrator)
It's a Wonderful Life
Miracle on 34th Street
and although not an old favorite yet I enjoyed "Shrek the Hall" that I saw the other night, it was very funny and my kids loved it
4th December 08, 05:36 AM
 Originally Posted by Retro Red
5. A Charlie Brown Christmas [That scene where Linus, alone & spotlighted on the empty stage, recites Luke 2:8-14, gets me everytime.]
This one has to be my favorite, for the very reason you mention. Because it's a classic they still show it, but do you think they could put a new story on today that did something like that.
I do like a lot of the newer movies, but nothing beats the classics.
We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb
4th December 08, 06:18 AM
I see that we are generally in agreement aabout the Alistair Sims version of the Christmas Carol...it really has no equal...
There was also the musical version with Albert Finney and music by Bricusse/Newley...several good tunes in there like "Thank You Very Much". Not the definitive version but worth a look.
And I scored what I consider to be a new Christmas Classic on DVD at Borders the other day...they finally released "The Hard Nut" on DVD and I snatched it up as soon as I sawit. This is a sort of post-modern interpretation of the Nutcracker by the Mark Morris Dance Company and is just a total hoot. May not be everybody's cup of tea but it's a great dance piece and Mark Morris is known to use dancers that don't fit the "breed standard" for ballet artists. If it's available from Netflix, you might want to give it a try.
4th December 08, 06:24 AM
Has anyone mentioned The Family Stone? Though contemporary, it has become a quick favorite here at home these past two years- it was our "season opener" Thanksgiving night.
4th December 08, 10:58 AM
Just a small picky point: it's "Alastair Sim".
"Touch not the cat bot a glove."
4th December 08, 11:12 AM
 Originally Posted by Macman
Just a small picky point: it's "Alastair Sim". 
Aye, and a Scot tae boot! 
4th December 08, 11:16 AM
 Originally Posted by Kiltman
Every year I watch White Christmas—if you live in Spokane it's required for citizenship (Bing Crosby was from Spokane and Gonzaga University get royalties from the title song). It's such a wonderful movie and does express the Christmas spirit.
I'm right there with you. Well, with the watching White Christmas part anyway. (Never lived anywhere remotely near Spokane)
All time favorite scene: Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye singing "sisters". Has me in stitches every time!
4th December 08, 11:36 AM
The original Grinch
Charlie Brown
Holiday Inn
Going My Way
And for some reason -- I know, it's weird and probably wrong on many levels -- I always watch The Godfather I and II this time of year. I don't know why.
Why, a child of five could understand this. Quick -- someone fetch me a child of five!
4th December 08, 11:58 AM
 Originally Posted by Phogfan86
And for some reason -- I know, it's weird and probably wrong on many levels -- I always watch The Godfather I and II this time of year. I don't know why.
Because at this festive time of the year, it's nice to know that you're going to take care of Barsini, Tattaglia and all the heads of the Five Families...
...and your brother Fredo...
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