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  1. #21
    It was amazing! That was just perfect technique by the pilot and co-pilot. They had nerves of steel and didn't freak out for one single second during the crisis.

    Pity he can't be my pilot for the flight from Charlotte to Atlanta, and Atlanta to Buffalo, NY next week.

  2. #22
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    A lot of credit is going to the pilot who successfully ditched the plane. 40 years of flying experience, former USAF fighter pilot. Seems that after they evacuated the plane he personally walked every inch of the plane himself, not once but twice, to make sure all had gotten off safely. Quality and dedication to service and humanity ingeneral are deeply ingrained in that man's genes. Somebody needs to send him on a long and pleasant vacation, with lots of alcohol---free alcohol.

  3. #23
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    A classic example of "any landing you can walk away from is a good landing".

    I remember reading somewhere, that right after they got NORAD up and running, the Air Force scambled a fighter squadron because radar had picked up a large formation of unidentified aircraft. Turned out it was a flock of Canada geese.

  4. #24
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    I found it most heartening. I couldn't help to compare it to the crash a few years back when a plain hit one of the bridges across the Potomac, it too was winter. Horrifically worse outcome!
    The pipes are calling, resistance is futile. - MacTalla Mor

  5. #25
    bikeolounger's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by piperdbh View Post
    And after landing in Charlotte, there were several people bound for Asheville, not far from where I live.

    In addition to the pilot and crew, I believe there was Someone Else holding on to that plane, too.
    Which gets into religion, a topic that can lead to testy exchanges on here, not to mention that it doesn't give credit for the implied almighty having the ability to intervene in the flight plans of the geese...

    TONS of credit to the pilot, who showed great clarity in decision-making processes.
    Lovin' the breeze 'tween m'knees!

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