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  1. #21
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    Ted, that is a very nice day ware look for you, and something for other to try and match. Good job.


  2. #22
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    Thank you to all.

    That dayware, corduroy outfit was inspired, almost two the letter, by MacMillan of Rathdown through his suggestions.

    I converted the jacket and waistcoat from one of my step father's suits that no longer fit him; it's about thirty years old. The kilt is a wool Stillwater, and I am also slowly converting it to a more traditionally constructed kilt: the internal fixings and such.

    However, the kilt will eventually be replaced with a kilt made in my tartan, and I am still dreaming about that.
    I tried to ask my inner curmudgeon before posting, but he sprayed me with the garden hose…
    Yes, I have squirrels in my brain…

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sionnach View Post
    Ted, you look very nice. (I can forgive the white hose- as I have a pair myself) I think another way to add black for balance is with a pair of ghillie brogues laced up around the ankle- sort of leads the eye, and the waistcoat/jacket that Jamie has mentioned.

    I would probably use dark gray hose, but I don't have any yet.
    That black vest is leather, so I don't really know that it could be used for dressing up. It would, however, be easy enough to change the snaps for buttons.

    Any thoughts on using a black leather vest with a nice jacket?

    My gut feeling is no.
    I tried to ask my inner curmudgeon before posting, but he sprayed me with the garden hose…
    Yes, I have squirrels in my brain…

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ted Crocker View Post
    Any thoughts on using a black leather vest with a nice jacket?

    My gut feeling is no.


    I don't think that it works very well

    I can see wearing a black leather vest with a bolo tie and a dress shirt, bu this would be best with a pair of nice jeans and one's cowboy boots (well polished).

    With this exception a leather vest just isn't very dressy to me and doesn't work.

    Another thought is that I don't think a waist coat looks very good with highland attire when worn unbuttoned.


    -See it there, a white plume
    Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
    Of the ultimate combustion-My panache

    Edmond Rostand

  5. #25
    Twa_Corbies is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    I have seen (though I don't care for them myself) a Scottish style of waistcoat called a Peitan and these are sometimes made in leather, though more usually in tweed. These usually have Inverness flaps around the base or may be made with scalloped pocket flaps. They are usually worn un buttoned and may have antler toggles like a duffle coat, or the square cut silver buttons for dress wear (though they are decidedly casual and un-dressy as a jacket goes). They are often worn with a "Jacobite" style shirt and have a definite historical-reinactor look about them. Here is a photo to give you a better idea:

  6. #26
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    I didn't think the leather would be dressy enough. I don't remember the picture so well, and I didn't recall that the vest was unbuttoned.

    Like you say, Panache, it would be fine for a Western outfit with a large Western style belt buckle which is how I have usually worn that vest. The dress buckle on my kilt belt reminds me of those Western buckles, and that is probably why the vest keeps ending up in my pictures.

    It was kind of silly.

    * Oh! I remember now. The first picture of me in a kilt I had on the forum was with me wearing that vest with the buckle and kilt etc. I was going to compare the two because I was wearing a white, short sleeve, button up shirt with the collar open, and I also had another casual picture with the vest.
    Kind of wish that the picture with Grandma didn't have the vest, though...

    Anyway, the pictures were mostly about whether the pinstripes on the front area of that dress shirt were an issue in regard to the plain front dress shirt that has been suggested for highland attire.

    Thanks. *
    Last edited by Bugbear; 14th March 09 at 01:56 PM.
    I tried to ask my inner curmudgeon before posting, but he sprayed me with the garden hose…
    Yes, I have squirrels in my brain…

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