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  1. #21
    Join Date
    14th May 08
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    I hope your mother will find the strength and will power to fight.
    I like the breeze between my knees

  2. #22
    Join Date
    8th November 05
    Northglenn, Colorado, USA
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    Things are going much, much better. There is an enzyme test they do for pancreatitis where 100 is normal. Mom was at 10,000 on Monday which is what had the Dr so serious. Tuesday morning she was at 1,000 which was better but still not too good. Yesterday morning she was down to 200. She is now allowed to drink water as much as she wants and is on a clear liquid diet.

    Joyce and I are home for a few days while my sister is out from NYC to help out, have to do the job hunt thing. We will be going back up this weekend.

    I read your posts to Mom and Dad yesterday along with the emails from my cousins and that really perked her up. She was very impressed at having so many prayers from all over the world and wants you to know that she really appreciates them. Thank you.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    5th October 08
    Massachusetts, U.S.A.
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    You will most certainly be in my thoughts and prayers. I'm glad to hear things are on the turn around. May she be blessed with all the strength she needs to be healthy and stay that way.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    8th November 05
    Northglenn, Colorado, USA
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    Well, after a little over 2 weeks in the hospital, Mom gets to go home tomorrow. Thanks to all for your best wishes. She does have some minor changes to make in her lifestyle...well, for us younger people they would be minor but since she is 84 it will be a little rough. She will now be on a low/no fat diet and absolutly NO alcohol at all. But, she is back in good health and walking proud again.

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