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  1. #21
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    Hum... Your getting closer !


    Robert Amyot-MacKinnon

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Livingston View Post
    Now that's the way to travel. Can't wait for this story to start unfulding.
    When one travels as a real estate tycoon, one must keep up appearances.

    I think you're just jealous because I had you traveling in a beat up plane over the Jungles of South America.
    We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by davedove View Post
    When one travels as a real estate tycoon, one must keep up appearances.

    I think you're just jealous because I had you traveling in a beat up plane over the Jungles of South America.
    Duh... you get all the perks and I just get shot, fall off a mountain and various and sundry abuses.

  4. #24
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    Wow what a great story, hope Donald Trump pops up.
    Mr Trump often makes a story great.

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Livingston View Post
    Duh... you get all the perks and I just get shot, fall off a mountain and various and sundry abuses.
    Hey, when you're the writer you get to give yourself perks, it's part of the benefit.

    Besides, I've been shot multiple times too. We've both earned our share of Golden Thistles (XMarks equivalent to the Purple Heart).
    We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb

  6. #26
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    Scene 9

    Suite of Rooms, Hotel de Paris Monte-Carlo

    Philippe opened the door to my suite and showed me in. “And this is your suite, Mr. Dove.”

    He had already shown my associates to their rooms at my insistence. My suite was the last, although everyone was taking the tour of the rooms. Ms. Starling, as my personal assistant, had a room right next to my suite. My other associates had rooms directly across the hall.

    I listened as Philippe pointed out all the amenities of the suite as I listened. When he finished, he turned to the man standing behind him. “Mr. Dove, ladies, I would like to introduce Michel Fidele. He has been assigned to assist you in all ways during your stay here.”

    Michel offered his hand and I took it. “Monsieur Dove,” he said, “If there is anything you need, anything at all, please, do not hesitate to ask me.”

    I could see the sincerity in his eyes as he made his promise and knew he was a man who I could count on. “Thank you, Michel,” I said to him.

    “And now, if there is nothing else, we will take our leave,” said Philippe.

    “Just one more thing,” said Ms. Starling, “Would you send up a selection of hot teas, please?”

    “Of course, Madame, I will have them here shortly,” Michel answered, as he and Philippe were leaving.

    My associates and I all sat down in the chairs of my sitting area. We had barely settled, when there was a knock on the door.

    Ms. Starling went to answer the door and found Michel outside with a tea setting on a cart. “Your teas, Madame,” he said.

    “Of course, bring them in,” Ms. Starling told him.

    Michel quickly wheeled in the cart and started to prepare our teas.

    “That won’t be necessary, Michel,” I said to him. “We will drink the tea at our own pace.”

    “Very well, sir,” he said. “In addition to the tea, I have included a selection of pastries and other sweet treats for your enjoyment.”

    “Thank you; before you go,” I continued, “I have a special request.”

    “Monsieur?” he asked.

    “During our stay here, we may have some unusual requests. I won’t go into the nature of the requests at this time, but I assume you will be prompt and discrete in fulfilling them.” I said.

    “You have my word on it, monsieur.”

    “Thank you, Michel, your assistance will be greatly appreciated. You may go now.”

    Michel bowed his head to us and left the suite.
    We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb

  7. #27
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    Scene 10

    Private Gaming Room, Le Casino de Monte-Carlo

    Ms. Starling and I were escorted through the Monte Carlo Casino as we made our way to the private game.

    “In here, Monsieur Dove,” our escort directed us as he opened a door.

    As we entered, the room steward came to greet us. “Welcome, Monsieur, Madame; may I assume that you are Mr. Dove?”

    “You would assume correctly, this is my assistant, Priscilla,” I said, introducing Ms. Starling.

    The steward took Ms. Starling’s hand in greeting. “Charmed, and you may call me Jacques. I will be overseeing the game. Allow me to introduce your opponents.”

    Jacques led us over to a large man wearing a western cut suit and a large cowboy hat. “Mr. Houston,” Jacques said to the big man, “Allow me to introduce Mr. Dove.”

    Mr. Houston took my hand in a vigorous grip and smiled widely. “Right pleased to meet you, and forget all this ‘Mr. Houston’ baloney. Ya’ll can call me Big John; everyone else does.”

    I returned his handshake. “And call me Alex,” I said. I turned and introduced him to Ms. Starling. “This is my assistant, Priscilla.”

    Big John’s smile grew even wider as he took Ms. Starling’s hand. “And I am mighty pleased to meet you, ma’am.” He spoke to me as he continued admiring Ms. Starling. “Assistant, huh? Why, if I had an assistant like this I might never get any work done.” His gaze, although not to the point of leering, gave the impression that his interest in Ms. Starling was anything but innocent.

    I remembered from reading John Houston’s bio that he had been married multiple times, each wife young and very attractive. His family had been in the cattle business for many years until oil had been discovered on the family ranch. He had inherited the family business and, although he was a shrewd businessman, seemed intent on spending the bulk of his wealth on women and gambling.

    Jacques led us away from Big John to the next player. “Mr. Dove, this is Mr. Works,” he said.

    As I shook the man’s hand, I remembered what I had read about him. Steven Works had developed a new Internet search method just before the big dot.com boom. Unlike many of those who lost their money in the bust, he had sold the rights to his method for millions of dollars and now lived on his investments. He fancied himself an expert on games of chance, and to be fair, he had shown a remarkable talent in that field.

    My third opponent was a woman, Maggie Sweetface. She was a well-known actress, but had never achieved superstar status. She was, however, making a name for herself as a shrewd player on the poker circuit.

    My fourth opponent was the man we had come to find, Dr. Newface. I greeted him in a friendly manner. “Dr. Newface, I’m pleased to meet you.”

    “And you Mr. Dove,” he replied. “Allow me to introduce my companion, Veronica.”

    I took the woman’s hand and greeted her, even though I already knew her. Ms. Thrush had made her move early and was already close to Newface.

    Jacques then addressed us all. “Players, there is one more player who has not yet arrived. As soon as she is here we may start.” He was interrupted as a well-dressed, regal woman was escorted into the room. “Ah, here she is now. Lady and gentlemen, allow me to introduce your final opponent, Countess Slechtvalk.”

    As the Countess was introduced around the room, I remembered her bio as well. She was the last of a long line of royalty and had plenty of time for leisure, but instead used much of her time in various social projects. She was a tall and graceful woman, the result of centuries of aristocratic breeding. In her case though, she seemed to inherit the best traits.

    After the introductions were complete, Jacques again addressed the gathering. “Ladies and gentlemen, now that all everyone has arrived, will the players please take seats at the table. Guests may take seats behind the players in the chairs provided.”
    We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Livingston View Post
    Duh... you get all the perks and I just get shot, fall off a mountain and various and sundry abuses.
    Well it does not say much for my company, now does it? Er, forgive me for mentioning this minor point, but; "who was it who pulled you back up the cliff?" And more to the point, who was it that has just drunk my Talisker?

  9. #29
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    Scene 11

    Private Gaming Room, Le Casino de Monte-Carlo

    We all moved to take the seats that had been assigned to us. Looking around the table, I saw that Big John had been seated to my immediate left. To his left was the Countess.

    Directly across the table from me was Dr. Newface. This seating was no coincidence. Ms. Swan had hacked into the casino’s system and arranged for the doctor to be directly across from me. The benefit of this was that his companion, Ms. Thrush, was seated just behind him. That could come in handy.

    To the doctor’s left was Steven Works, leaving Maggie Sweetface sitting directly to my right.

    Ms. Starling took a chair behind me and all the other guests took seats behind their respective players.

    “Very good,” said Jacques. “Now that you’re all seated we can begin.”

    Six attendants came from another door, each of them carrying a small box. One box was placed on the table next to each player. The attendants opened the boxes, revealing the chips within.

    “Two hundred thousand euros for each player,” said Jacques. “The funds have been drawn from the accounts you each provided to purchase the chips. Once a player loses his supply of chips, that player is out of the game. At the end of the game, only one player will have possession of all the chips. That person will receive a deposit of one point two million euros into his or her account.”

    “Regular breaks will be scheduled into the game,” he continued. “If the game continues into the evening, an appropriate time will be set to halt the game for the night and play will continue the next morning. Other than these breaks, no player may leave the table. Should a player be absent from the table when play commences, that player will forfeit any remaining chips and must leave the game. Chips forfeited will be placed in the pot for the next hand and awarded to the winner of that hand.”

    “I trust you are all honest players, but anyone caught cheating will also forfeit any remaining chips and be expelled from the game. Although they may talk and move about quietly, guests will refrain from disturbing the game. Any inadvertent comments or actions from the guests that could affect the game will cause the current hand to be redealt, with any bets remaining in the pot.”

    “Snack and drinks,” he continued, “Will be provided for players and guests by the casino. If you have any special requests, merely ask one of the attendants and every effort will be made to fulfill your request.”

    “The game today will be Texas Hold ‘em. Only the casino’s dealer will deal cards. Anyone who attempts to interfere with the deal will be expelled from the game. The game will start with a minimum bet of one thousand euros, and will be raised as the game progresses. The beginning order of play has been randomly determined and the first blind bet will be Mr. Works.”

    “And now,” he finished, “Let the game commence.”
    We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb

  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jock Scot View Post
    Well it does not say much for my company, now does it? Er, forgive me for mentioning this minor point, but; "who was it who pulled you back up the cliff?" And more to the point, who was it that has just drunk my Talisker?
    Sorry about that, Jock. But, wouldn't you rather travel the way Mr Dove travels when he's not hanging out with us? And after pouring the Talisker, I couldn't very well pour it back after the Dr said no, could I? And I SURE wouldn't want to waste it. Besides, I've been keeping pleanty of it handy for when I could sneak it in to you.

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