View Poll Results: Full Mask Sporran: Yes or No?
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Yes, it is a distinctive and bold fashion statement!
No, it looks bloody awful!
What's a full mask sporran?
Makes no difference to me, as long as I can fit the flask in...
28th July 10, 11:51 AM
Originally Posted by davidlpope
Like Ryan and others have noted, there are good mask sporrans and bad mask sporrans. I really like the traditionally styled otter, wildcat, badger, pine marten ones- they tend to be of a reasonable size with relatively little 3-D effect to the mask itself and it's obvious they were professionally made. I really dislike the homemade version where one buys a pelt and essentially sews it into a bag. They always look like an unfinished BSA craft project to me.
I also think that most American pelts like raccoon, skunk, fox etc. just really aren't suited to the overall look due to how "bushy" the fur is, although muskrat and beaver seem to do okay. i have a badger mask sporran I wear for formal events, but it's really too big and clunky to wear comfortably for daywear.
David, we share the same opinions about the "homemade versions." Awful looking, IMHO.
28th July 10, 11:58 AM
Just so you know (you can look it up) about a year ago, maybe a bit more, I did a poll here on X Marks aimed at the ladies. The question to the ladies was regarding how they felt about full mask sporrans. What prompted the question was my wife's disgust with them in general, while she accepts and even likes most of the rest of the usual kilt outfit.
The result was pretty overwhelming. Most women find full mask sporrans to be wierd and vaguely disgusting.
There are exceptions of course.
So if you are wearing your full mask sporran to impress the chicks, it ain't gonna happen. You might want to check with your favorite female and see what she thinks before dropping a couple hundred bucks on one.
28th July 10, 12:26 PM
I have two full mask fox sporrans, an arctic fox closed mouth no paws no cantle and a red fox closed mouth no paws with silver cantle, both with good taxidermied eyes and relatively low profile heads, although still very realistic. I reserve them for dress occasions, which unfortunately I have rare opportunities to attend right now. I also have a primitive brown-dyed no taxidermy fox mask on a brown leather sporran which also looks great for casual wear, which seems to most who see it less offensive although still recognizable as an animal mask skin, but far from life-like.
I would love to have a badger or bobcat full mask with mouth closed, with or without claws or other adornments, but alas those are at the high end of the cost spectrum, and hard to come by.
I agree with the comments about overdoing the taxidermy to the point that it looks like you have brought your pet (insert appropriate animal type here) with you and set it on your lap, but do like the relatively flat heads and realistic eyes.
28th July 10, 12:41 PM
IE don't get a sporran that in any way potentially reminds anyone of their family pet!
28th July 10, 04:25 PM
Well, I must say I stand corrected! Though the returns are still early, it seems the majority who express an opinion do like the full mask. Thanks to all for the thoughtful and insightful comments. (As an aside, I'm rather new here, and find the civility and good humour of the conversations to be an enjoyable change from many another forum. Thank you all!)
However, I must take exception to a point made by OC Richard, and followed upon by others:
"To my eye they're very traditional-looking..."
In our house growing up, anything less than 300 years old was just a passing fad, yet to prove itself! Your illustrations appear to me to be no older than the 19th century, which reinforces the notion that animal mask sporrans are a Victorian (thus not Gaelic) invention; this I remember from childhood, but alas have no references to hand. Does any one have any solid research on this? And by the way, OC Richard, you do look most dashing in your piping pic.
28th July 10, 04:44 PM
Originally Posted by Jock Scot
As many of you know I am a hunting(UK definition with horses and hounds) shooting and fishing man and have been for all my long life, so dead things are part of my life and still are. For some reason, that I cannot explain, I have gone off fur and hair sporrans. So much so that I have given my sons all my fur/hair sporrans that disturb me so. I don't mind them wearing them and I don't mind others wearing fur sporrans and I have absolutely no problem with leather. Each to their own and I fully respect that , but somehow I think it may be time to move away from this Victorian idea of fur/hair sporrans.
1+ I agree.
28th July 10, 05:17 PM
Each to their own. If you like them, go for it. I voted in the poll and as of now you have about 2/3 of the respondees saying "yay" and 1/3 saying "nay." I'm afraid I'm in the "nay" category.
I share Jock's sentiments almost entirely... Like him, I have no problems with hunting, fur in general, or what have you, but I do find full-mask sporrans rather distasteful. While I would not begrudge anyone to wear one, as they can indeed look traditional and handsome, but they are not my thing... to the point that even if I received one as a gift, I would not wear it -- I would re-gift it to someone who'd appreciate it.
28th July 10, 05:34 PM
And as to the traditions of the full mask, I fully understand them and respect them, and would never tell someone that they can't or shouldn't wear one. It's just really not for me! I look at those things and see my little kitty Barbosa!
One has to wonder if anyone has ever done a housecat full mask sporran. It would be poor taste to be sure, but probably good for a few laughs in the right setting!
In our house growing up, anything less than 300 years old was just a passing fad, yet to prove itself!
Then you only wear great kilts, right? I mean, the philabeg or modern kilt is less than 300 years old, so it must just be a fad...
29th July 10, 01:17 AM
Originally Posted by JSFMACLJR
David, we share the same opinions about the "homemade versions." Awful looking, IMHO.
Yep !
The same here.
I'd love to have a full mask badger sporran, but it would have to be first class.
Funny how things go though, we had the exact same poll a few years ago and we had a maximun of "No"... Rabble changes.
Robert Amyot-MacKinnon
29th July 10, 05:40 AM
I am biased, I do like them (disclosure - I own one), if the mask works with the tartan colors then that is fine, but, wearing a skunk with Buchanan, it just doesn't work.
I believe someone posted this like in a previous thread awhile ago:
Although I would not be interested in many of these (not only the cost), they just would not work with the tartan I wear.
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