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  1. #21
    Join Date
    2nd January 11
    Tampa Bay Florida
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    Gentlemen, gentlemen.

    Any of these offenses, if they occurred at all, would have happened well over one half of my life ago, in many cases 2/3rds of it. These were never done in a manner to physically hurt anyone (and thankfully no one was physically hurt). I acknowledge that it was wrong. We were not setting boobie traps for people to get injured with, we were making things go "BANG!" without parental supervision... we were being vandals... but most of this was "blowing stuff up" in a field and we eventually blew up an old "curmudgeonly" individual's mailbox because he hated "us darn kids".

    To the gentleman who believes that a fully grown, mildly curmudgeonly (by my wife's standards) man, needs "help" to this day for transgressions committed as a child, I suppose he himself must have never upset his parents or did anything wrong, ever.
    Last edited by Joshua; 26th January 11 at 05:54 PM.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    3rd July 09
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    Well Dude you should have read the context of the OP before posting what you did. The discussion was essentially about anti-personnel bombs and then you came along and said you did the same thing. Blowing up things is indeed something a lot of kids aspire to, but you seemed to be saying you were doing it to people.

    Anyway, glad to hear no one was harmed during your reign of... fooling around.

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