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  1. #21
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    A tip from an old Scottish camper. They usually make for the light at night so if you need to go, leave a lantern or torch several yards away from you and your tent. If you get into a swarm you just cannot get rid of them. They go in your ears and mouth, fill your hair and up yer kilt. You mostly don't feel them bite but you will be full of itchy red spots next morning. I think the repelant they sell in tourist shops do the oposite and atract them. get one of these... 2 Lb Citronella Bucket Candles. They last ages and place it at the entrance to your tent. They smell nice and are safe but the midges hate it. I think you can get smaller ones but Citronella is the biz. I have no connection with this company, just googled. Many local shops in Scotland sell them.
    Another tip. If they get in our caravan, we leave a few cups of water with a tiny drop of washing up liquid in each (to break the surface tension) around caravan and the light reflecting from the water attracts them, then they drown. May be a bit messy in a tent though.

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andy Ternay View Post
    Thank you very much for the reply; this is what I was seeking - practical advice. I guess it will be similar to when I wore my Utilikilt in very, very rural West Texas. They too were too polite to comment but it seemed that every person I saw had raised eyebrows!

    Sigh, perhaps the smarter thing would be to wear trousers. Depressing to go to the home of the kilt to wear pants! Well, I have months to figure it out.
    Just get a generic tartan such as the black watch. You won't have any problems in the tourist places and if out hiking in the hills you will rarely see another person. Edinburgh, anything goes but a UKilt in Glasgow, Dodgy! ya may get mugged. We caravan down the Great Glen and around Fort William very often. Loads of tartan kilt wearers (mostly German) and they are made most welcome.

  3. #23
    MacBean is offline Oops, it seems this member needs to update their email address
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    The workshop sounds like outstanding fun and in a lovely part of the British Isles. Were I in your position, I'd defer the Scotland trip and explore Cornwall itself further - i's a wonderful place. Should you decide to stay longer in Cornwall, PM me for suggestions.

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by MacBean View Post
    The workshop sounds like outstanding fun and in a lovely part of the British Isles. Were I in your position, I'd defer the Scotland trip and explore Cornwall itself further - i's a wonderful place. Should you decide to stay longer in Cornwall, PM me for suggestions.
    Yes, Cornwall is most definitely a place worth exploring. There is no doubting that.
    " Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by chrisupyonder View Post
    get one of these... 2 Lb Citronella Bucket Candles. They last ages and place it at the entrance to your tent. They smell nice and are safe but the midges hate it. I think you can get smaller ones but Citronella is the biz. I have no connection with this company, just googled. Many local shops in Scotland sell them.
    Another tip. If they get in our caravan, we leave a few cups of water with a tiny drop of washing up liquid in each (to break the surface tension) around caravan and the light reflecting from the water attracts them, then they drown. May be a bit messy in a tent though.
    Hmmm, in America some health food stores sell Citronella based repellent sprays. May invest in those as well. Thank you.
    "Nice Quilt." - comment on my Kilt by a man behind me in line at Home Depot.

  6. #26
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    Re midges - try Avon Skin So Soft: it makes the blighters a little less annoying and you will get lovely soft legs to boot.

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by MacBean View Post
    The workshop sounds like outstanding fun and in a lovely part of the British Isles. Were I in your position, I'd defer the Scotland trip and explore Cornwall itself further - i's a wonderful place. Should you decide to stay longer in Cornwall, PM me for suggestions.
    Thank you for the suggestion; this is actually my third trip to Cornwall and I have fallen in love with the Cornish coast, the standing stones and the hills. The guy who does the Bronze Sword Workshop lives very near Penzance and I've gotten to visit and stay with him in the past.

    One of the reasons Scotland is on the agenda this time is because thanks to the sword workshops I know a gentlemen who may be able to show me some of the Bronze Age collection that is behind the scenes at the National Museums of Scotland. I don't want to miss out on that!
    "Nice Quilt." - comment on my Kilt by a man behind me in line at Home Depot.

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lime View Post
    Re midges - try Avon Skin So Soft: it makes the blighters a little less annoying and you will get lovely soft legs to boot.
    Yes its good, the best yet---------but not THAT good! Used up here by the Forestry Commission, The Royal Marines and others, shhhh, of that ilk and locals. But we all soon learn when to admit defeat.
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  9. #29
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    utilikilt in Scotland

    Buy a cheap tartan kilt and a leather apron and you are all set there are plenty of district tartans you can use

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