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  1. #21
    Join Date
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    Congratulations! Best of luck as you contemplate college too. Whatever your chosen field of study becomes, just remember what an old-timer like me once told me, when I was as young as you . . . that the one who knows "how" will always have a job . . . . working for the one who knows "why".

    I have found that to be very good advice, and I pass it to you with my very best wishes for a bright and challenging future.

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by piperdbh View Post
    Ouch! Stab me through my heart, why don't you?

    Here's the same advice I give my seniors when they're about to head out into the "real world": take some of the money you get for graduation gifts and go buy yourself one of those little 2-drawer filing cabinets. You'll be amazed at the amount of paperwork you need to keep up with in college.

    Nah, man, I think teaching high school would be great to do. I told myself I'd either teach high school or university. More than likely I'll teach high school since I'll be older than the students (hopefully lol) and it maybe a while till I'd be able to teach at a university.

    Way ahead of you, I've got Folders, binders and trays for my paper work.
    Gillmore of Clan Morrison

    "Long Live the Long Shirts!"- Ryan Ross

  3. #23
    Chirs is offline Oops, it seems this member needs to update their email address
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nick the DSM View Post
    I'd love to study medieval and european history but I might do US history, World or Western Civilizations.

    It was a hard decision to choose history, I'm almost still indecisive. It was either that, engineering, or I'd just go in blind and just find something.
    If I may offer a thought: enroll in history, if you like. The first year is usually general education and is filled with introductory courses. Take as many different subjects as you can find the time for. You may be surprised at where you end up.

    I started in psychology with biology as a back-up plan. I've just graduated in sociology. Who would have guessed? I'd never had a single thought about sociology before taking the intro course and now I have a degree in it, and will probably continue with that to a Ph.D.

    Don't worry too much about your major just yet. I didn't have to declare until my third semester. Experiment and try anything that strikes your fancy. You could major in history, or maybe astro-physics! Who knows?! Enjoy; the experience is the most important part.

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