There's a bit of a backstory to these claddaghs. My girlfriend forgot a pair of rings (one of which was a claddagh I had given her) at work. The next day, she called in to tell one of the managers to put them aside for her because she was not scheduled for the next week. By the time she worked again, a different manager had disposed of my lass' rings!
Luckily, they gave her a gift certificate to replace them and she then put me in charge of finding replacements.
The first one she liked would have cost the whole amount of the gift certificate... so, being the frugal fellow that I am, I did a bit of research and found the exact same sterling silver wishbone claddagh with CZ stones somewhere else for half the price. This place also offered free shipping from Ireland! Click on the pictures for the link back to where I purchased them.
I then used the other half of the money to buy a matching set of his/her's stainless steel claddagh bands. By signing up for their newsletter, I got 20% off my purchase and I waited until there was a free shipping promotion. They also threw in free engraving... the images below are stock and mine has something else engraved.