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  1. #21
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    Re: utility/modern kilts

    Quote Originally Posted by hkjrb623 View Post
    Thanks for the info, but I said affordable. I really don't see spending $200 or more on a modern kilt. I do have to admit a leather kilt from RKilt is going on the wish list.
    That's why I did not mention RKilts, based upon your budget BUT RKilts also make hemp kilts. I have the hemp and it is fantastic, Robert really makes a wonderful kilt.

  2. #22
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    Re: utility/modern kilts

    Quote Originally Posted by flyrod6057 View Post
    I have a number of Utilikilts, and I'm going to brag about them just a bit. The workmanship it TOP-NOTCH! I've been wearing them quite often since 2004 or so, and I've never had an issue with any of them. My first UK was a black workman's that still looks great even though my middle-aged gut doesn't negotiate the waistline nearly as well as it once did.

    Here's my point: A Utilikilt isn't a cheap garment. They're constructed with a lot of attention to detail, and the price does reflect that. However, you'll get every penny back out of a UK in my experience. Especially if you're looking for rugged durability.

    There's my $.02

    I'm am not trying to debate this, but I have seen several comments that UKs have slipped as far as quality in recent times. I had a UK and my reason for getting rid of it was that the apron was too narrow for my taste. That said the original was a very thin, very light weight kilt and while there weren't any patent defects I would not marvel over it. Given some of the kiltmakers mentioned here I would be hardpressed to recommend a UK over some of them. So there in a congenial and friendly way is my 2 cents.

  3. #23
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    Re: utility/modern kilts

    Quote Originally Posted by hkjrb623 View Post
    Yeah, I love the Stillwater wool kilts. I use my SK's for running around and typical daily stuff. I'm mainly want a utility for outdoor activities and for the stage. I play guitar and sing for a death metal band, and some of the venues are crazy. If you're not on ground level, you're following a band that uses pig's heads as a stage prop. Getting pig's blood, beer, or any of the other things that I've had to deal with at a live show out of a kilt can be a real pain.
    Have you looked at Stillwater's black shadow tartan kilt? I imagine the black wouldn't show beer, blood, groupie lipstick, whatever.

    Hard to beat 13oz ring spun cotton duck for durability. There's a lot of choices out there; we want to see pics whatever you decide!!
    "Far an taine ‘n abhainn, ‘s ann as mò a fuaim."
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  4. #24
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    Re: utility/modern kilts

    By Modern kilt, do you mean non-traditional construction, or anything but tartan?
    I recently got to look over a USA Kilts Casual model, and it's my favorite non-traditional design yet. At a glance, it looks mostly like a traditional knife-pleated kilt, but the construction methods are the kind of simple genius that brings the kilt into the present as a simple, everyday garment. And under $100, at that.

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    Re: utility/modern kilts

    Quote Originally Posted by seanachie View Post
    I'm am not trying to debate this, but I have seen several comments that UKs have slipped as far as quality in recent times. I had a UK and my reason for getting rid of it was that the apron was too narrow for my taste. That said the original was a very thin, very light weight kilt and while there weren't any patent defects I would not marvel over it. Given some of the kiltmakers mentioned here I would be hardpressed to recommend a UK over some of them. So there in a congenial and friendly way is my 2 cents.
    My post was purely from my personal experience. If there's been issues with the UK products, I wasn't aware of them. I've been to the UK store in Seattle a number of times and had nothing but good experiences. I know they're pretty tight when it comes quality control; I got my last mocker at half price because the pockets were 1/2" too wide. (?)

    UK's aren't made like traditional kilts. The apron is quite narrow compared to a traditional kilt; it is worn differently of course. The weight of the fabric depends entirely on what version purchased. I've never owned an original model, so I can't speak to it's quality. As I mentioned above, I own a number of UKs and traditional kilts, and they both have their place. I like my UKs nearly as much as my wool kilts. I bear no ill will towards anyone who isn't a fan of them; variety is the spice of life, yes? However, based on the OP's question, I respectfully stand by my recommendations.

    Regardless, I look forward to seeing which way you go, hkjrb623. Best of luck!
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    Re: utility/modern kilts

    Quote Originally Posted by flyrod6057 View Post
    Have you looked at Stillwater's black shadow tartan kilt? I imagine the black wouldn't show beer, blood, groupie lipstick, whatever.

    Hard to beat 13oz ring spun cotton duck for durability. There's a lot of choices out there; we want to see pics whatever you decide!!
    If I were to get groupie lipstick on a kilt, my wife would have no problem removing it with an axe. With the kilt still on!

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    Re: utility/modern kilts

    Quote Originally Posted by flyrod6057 View Post
    Have you looked at Stillwater's black shadow tartan kilt? I imagine the black wouldn't show beer, blood, groupie lipstick, whatever.

    Hard to beat 13oz ring spun cotton duck for durability. There's a lot of choices out there; we want to see pics whatever you decide!!
    I did this twice by accident.
    Last edited by hkjrb623; 17th December 11 at 10:01 PM. Reason: error

  8. #28
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    Re: utility/modern kilts

    Quote Originally Posted by NeightRG View Post
    By Modern kilt, do you mean non-traditional construction, or anything but tartan?
    I recently got to look over a USA Kilts Casual model, and it's my favorite non-traditional design yet. At a glance, it looks mostly like a traditional knife-pleated kilt, but the construction methods are the kind of simple genius that brings the kilt into the present as a simple, everyday garment. And under $100, at that.
    Mainly non-traditional. I'm way too picky about a more traditional kilt.

  9. #29
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    Re: utility/modern kilts

    Something to think about

    There are several Utilikilt looking products on the market right now and they look pretty good and have lower price points than the established brands (Utilikilt, Freedom Kilt, R Kilt) etc. One thing though. Having "the look" doesn't mean having the durability. My old Utilikilt Mocker was my first kilt and has taken a beating over the years and looks great, faded but great. A lot of these alternatives are likely not going to hold up as well. One of the big appeals about the modern kilt is the cargo pockets. If you want them to hold things as well as for looks then it might be worth it to you to think twice about going with the cheaper option. Thinner material is not just going to wrinkle it is going to wear out. Ditto with construction. If the pockets are mainly just for looks the stiching on the seams are not going to hold up under heavy use.

    I have my Utilikilt Mocker for working and a lighter weight X Kilt with a Stillwater nylon sporran for hiking/camping and like both of them but use them for different things.

    If what you have in mind is a UK Workman model you might not be as happy with something that has the look, but not the feel in terms of the materials and construction. A bargain isn't really a bargain unless you are getting something you need/want.

    Having seen a lot of modern kilts, if I was going to order one for myself as a "work kilt" I would skip lighter variants. If what you want is a Utilikilt at heart then you should look at Utilikilts, R Kilts or Freedom kilts because that will give you the "feel" you are looking for as well as the look. These companies have a solid repuation for making a product that is well built and will last long after a cheaper variant looks shabby and begins falling apart. R Kilt and Freedom kilts have the distinct advantage over Utilikilts in that they are custom made garments. You will get some say on how you kilt should look based on your body and how you are going to wear it.

    If it wear me, I'd save my money a bit and wait for a R Kilt because they look great and the straps are distinctive (especially the tool holder pull out one) which make them stand out from the other modern kilts.


    Last edited by Panache; 18th December 11 at 02:54 PM.
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  10. #30
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    Re: utility/modern kilts

    I ordered a UT Kilts deluxe on sunday. It has already shipped and might be here in time for the holidays. I'll post pics, and hopefully give information on the durability in the future. Thanks to everyone for the input.

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