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  1. #21
    Join Date
    12th March 10
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    Re: What did you get for Xmas!?

    My new wife (married in October) got me an 18th century straight razor and shaving brush.

  2. #22
    Join Date
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    Re: What did you get for Xmas!?

    From my lovely wife:

    A Kate Macpherson, full-mask mink sporran with feet - photos to come, as it is expected to arrive mid-January; House of Cheviot Lewis hose - assorted colours; traditional garter ties - assorted colours; a pair of steel grey hose with coquet chequered tops from Almost Unwearoutable; Formby's almond and lemon oil (for our antique, wood furniture); and Mad Men, Seasons 1-4.

    I made out rather well this year (she made out rather well, too!) much thanks to my ever loving and giving wife. Although we both gave eachother wonderful gifts through material things, the best gift of all was simply being together and thanking God for our blessings.

    Happy Holidays!
    Last edited by creagdhubh; 27th December 11 at 11:03 AM.

  3. #23
    Join Date
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    Re: What did you get for Xmas!?

    Gorgeous harp, Robert!

  4. #24
    Join Date
    25th January 11
    Winfield, MO (originally from NE Scotland)
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    Re: What did you get for Xmas!?

    The wife got a new neck... Or at least spinal surgery and a cage inserted at c6-c7 today... So waaaaay too much stress and bills to deal with for christmas... Hopefully it'll make things better in the long run though...

  5. #25
    Join Date
    12th May 11
    Lakewood, Colorado
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    Re: What did you get for Xmas!?

    My wonderful mother-in-law commissioned a custom sgian dubh for me from a local knife-maker. As I understand it, it was modeled after a mattucashlass rather than a more typical sgian dubh, and would be more appropriately called a Biodag due to the double-edged design. (Blade experts, please jump on in and correct any mistakes I'm making here!) He crafted a 1cm taper to the handle so it could better suit my intent to carry it in my hose.

    Wore it on Christmas Day, and it fit perfectly. The small metal crest even mimics my tattoo! I don't think I was a good enough boy to deserve this gift, but the fact that she let me marry her daughter must mean the woman is quite tolerant of rascals.

    Mister McGoo

    A Kilted Lebowski--Taking it easy so you don't have to.

  6. #26
    Join Date
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    Tampa Bay Florida
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    Re: What did you get for Xmas!?

    My wife got me a bottle of Singleton, I received cash and gadgets from my extended family.

    We've been working on a very severe run towards financial independance and resposibility so we were quite frugal this year... making it one step closer to not living from paycheck-to-paycheck was a good present for me.
    Have fun and throw far. In that order, too. - o1d_dude

  7. #27
    Join Date
    7th February 11
    London, Canada
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    Re: What did you get for Xmas!?

    Quote Originally Posted by madmacs View Post
    The wife got a new neck... Or at least spinal surgery and a cage inserted at c6-c7 today... So waaaaay too much stress and bills to deal with for christmas... Hopefully it'll make things better in the long run though...

    Our prayers and cares for your lady!

    Rev'd Father Bill White: Mostly retired Parish Priest & former Elementary Headmaster. Lover of God, dogs, most people, joy, tradition, humour & clarity. Legion Padre, theologian, teacher, philosopher, linguist, encourager of hearts & souls & a firm believer in dignity, decency, & duty. A proud Canadian Sinclair with solid Welsh and other heritage.

  8. #28
    Join Date
    1st March 04
    The downland village of Storrington, West Sussex, United Kingdom (50º 55' 15.42"N 0º 26' 13.44"W)
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    Re: What did you get for Xmas!?

    Nothing! Nor do I give gifts at Christmas. As a family, many years ago - and there being no children - we agreed to each of us making a sensible donation to a favourite charity rather than gifting each other. Now that I am alone with no family I have maintained the policy and should any friend even hint that they are likely to give me a gift, I steer them towards a charity of their choice.

    This may seem rather Scrooge-like but it saves all the hassle of racking one's brains to think of something suitable and, in turn, receiving items the wrong size, colour or style; books one has read or CDs/BluRays that one already has - and the deserving charities do receive much-needed funds. I agree it is different if there are young children in the family, but exchanging gifts between adults: no, count me out!

    Take care,
    [B][I][U]No. of Kilts[/U][/I][/B][I]:[/I] 102.[I] [B]"[U][B]Title[/B]"[/U][/B][/I]: Lord Hamish Bicknell, Laird of Lochaber / [B][U][I]Life Member:[/I][/U][/B] The Scottish Tartans Authority / [B][U][I]Life Member:[/I][/U][/B] The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society / [U][I][B]Member:[/B][/I][/U] The Ardbeg Committee / [I][B][U]My NEW Photo Album[/U]: [/B][/I][COLOR=purple]Sadly, and with great regret, it seems my extensive and comprehensive album may now have been lost forever![/COLOR]/

  9. #29
    Join Date
    18th June 11
    Brooklet, GA... just NW of Savannah, GA
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    Re: What did you get for Xmas!?

    Quote Originally Posted by Hamish View Post
    Nothing! Nor do I give gifts at Christmas. As a family, many years ago - and there being no children - we agreed to each of us making a sensible donation to a favourite charity rather than gifting each other. Now that I am alone with no family I have maintained the policy and should any friend even hint that they are likely to give me a gift, I steer them towards a charity of their choice.

    This may seem rather Scrooge-like but it saves all the hassle of racking one's brains to think of something suitable and, in turn, receiving items the wrong size, colour or style; books one has read or CDs/BluRays that one already has - and the deserving charities do receive much-needed funds. I agree it is different if there are young children in the family, but exchanging gifts between adults: no, count me out!

    Take care,
    That sounds quite lovely
    Last edited by cryerelizabeth; 27th December 11 at 06:52 PM.
    kilted in Brooklet :)

  10. #30
    Join Date
    8th February 11
    Near Thurso Scotland
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    Re: What did you get for Xmas!?

    A piece of Scotland from my family and not just a paltry 1 sq ft.

    One hundred square feet of land, in Glencoe Wood, Scotland. This plot of land is in the shape of a square, with four equal sides. The 100 square foot plots are the ideal size for camping and will accommodate your family tent perfectly.
    The right to camp on Keil Hill and your plot whenever you want with no restrictions.

    Key Features

    • The title of Laird, Lord or Lady of Glencoe
    • A high quality, full colour, gift folder containing all your documents
    • A legal title deed for your land ownership, on velum parchment

      • Master Title Deed to change your title on bank accounts, driving license and other ID
      • A map of Glencoe Wood & directions. Instructions on how to visit & find your personal plot.
      • Information & pictures of the area, Glencoe Wood & our conservation project.
      • Lifetime access to Keil Hill (backing onto Glencoe Wood) & use of the footpaths across the entire 2000 acre estate
      • A bumper sticker for you to proudly display your new status
      • Access to (free) beautifully crafted Laird’s, Lord’s or Lady’s stationery
      • A 49mm x 70mm rectangular flexible Glencoe crest fridge magnets for you to proudly display in your home.
      • A glossy 10” x 8” photograph taken from your estate
      • The right to camp on Keil Hill and your plot whenever you want with no restrictions
      • Glencoe Estates DVD - tour of the area - Get to know your land.
      • Clan Map Wall Poster - 594mm x 840mm (roughly 24" x 34")
      • A native broadleaf tree planted in your honour in Glencoe Wood, including certificate of planting


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