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  1. #21
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    Re: Yanks in British Commonwealth Forces in the Great War

    I remember when I was much younger, reading a book called "Over the Top" about the authors experiences during WWI. His name was Arthur Guy Empey. He was in the New Jersey National Guard when the Lusitania was sunk. He went to England where he joined the Royal Fusiliers. He was discharged after being wounded at the Battle of the Somme.

  2. #22
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    Re: Yanks in British Commonwealth Forces in the Great War

    Quote Originally Posted by cormacmacguardhe View Post
    I remember when I was much younger, reading a book called "Over the Top" about the authors experiences during WWI. His name was Arthur Guy Empey. He was in the New Jersey National Guard when the Lusitania was sunk. He went to England where he joined the Royal Fusiliers. He was discharged after being wounded at the Battle of the Somme.
    I found this book posted on-line which is what led to my question.
    Virginia Commissioner, Elliot Clan Society, USA
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  3. #23
    macwilkin is offline
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    Re: Yanks in British Commonwealth Forces in the Great War

    One more for you, Sir William:

    The 38th through 42nd Battalions of the Royal Fusiliers were known as the "Jewish Legion", and a number of American & Canadian Jews served in its ranks, mostly in the Dardenelles and Palestine Campaigns. Its Officer Commanding was Col. J.H. Patterson, of "The Man-Eaters of Tsavo" fame.


    A recent biography of Patterson, "The Seven Lives of Colonel Patterson", devotes a large portion of the book to the Legion and mentions American recruits. There is also a CMH plate devoted to the Legion. I actually have a copy of that one:


    Last edited by macwilkin; 10th January 12 at 07:16 AM.

  4. #24
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    Re: Yanks in British Commonwealth Forces in the Great War

    Quote Originally Posted by cajunscot View Post
    One more for you, Sir William:

    The 38th through 42nd Battalions of the Royal Fusiliers were known as the "Jewish Legion", and a number of American Jews served in its ranks, mostly in the Dardenelles and Palestine Campaigns. Its Officer Commanding was Col. J.H. Patterson, of "The Man-Eaters of Tsavo" fame.
    ...There is also a CMH plate devoted to the Legion. I actually have a copy of that one:

    You are a font of knowledge! Thank you.

    I'll check this out. I have Patterson's "Man-Eaters" book and quite enjoyed it, and the Dardenelles campaign has always interested me (I have quite a library on it). I'll also look for the plate. I should have it.
    Virginia Commissioner, Elliot Clan Society, USA
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  5. #25
    macwilkin is offline
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    Re: Yanks in British Commonwealth Forces in the Great War

    Quote Originally Posted by Sir William View Post
    You are a font of knowledge! Thank you.

    I'll check this out. I have Patterson's "Man-Eaters" book and quite enjoyed it, and the Dardenelles campaign has always interested me (I have quite a library on it). I'll also look for the plate. I should have it.

    You're most welcome. The Legion interests me for it's connection to the Jewish Company of the Shanghai Volunteer Corps, which also had a Scottish Company. Many ex-members of the Legion (and its WWII counterpart, the Jewish Brigade) went on to become "plank owners" of the Israei Defence Forces in 1948, including PM David Ben Gurion.


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