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  1. #21
    guardsman is offline Oops, it seems this member needs to update their email address
    Join Date
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    porthcawl south wales
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    Nothing like off white hose to highlight your flashes if a dark kilt ! Never know when you may want them !

  2. #22
    Join Date
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    By all means, do what is polite within the family's eyes. I would wear them. You mention being in FL, so I would also just wear a polo shirt as you suggest. I wouldn't worry too much about the shoes, just be comfortable and casual.

  3. #23
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    I'm always fascinated by the "White Hose Debates" here, I don't think there is anything else that insights quite so much passion! Reality check: They are socks - you like them or you don't, that's it and to h**l with the kilt police (not that there are any here, just genuine advice offerers)!

    As far as the OP is concerned, if you like them, just wear them. If not, since they were a gift to get you started towards your kilt outfit, then I think it would be good manners to wear them at least once, if only to say "See what you started..." and then put them in a drawer where they can be quietly "forgotten".

    But whatever floats your boat!
    Regards, Sav.

    "The Sun Never Sets on X-Marks!"

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  5. #24
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by WillowEstate View Post
    I'm always fascinated by the "White Hose Debates" here, I don't think there is anything else that insights quite so much passion! Reality check: They are socks - you like them or you don't, that's it and to h**l with the kilt police (not that there are any here, just genuine advice offerers)!

    As far as the OP is concerned, if you like them, just wear them. If not, since they were a gift to get you started towards your kilt outfit, then I think it would be good manners to wear them at least once, if only to say "See what you started..." and then put them in a drawer where they can be quietly "forgotten".

    But whatever floats your boat!
    Yes. This. All of this.
    The Official [BREN]

  6. The Following User Says 'Aye' to TheOfficialBren For This Useful Post:

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