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  1. #1
    Join Date
    10th December 06
    Toronto, Ontario, Canada
    9 Post(s)
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    The Quaich at the Kingston Scottish Festival or Do you have the Quaich?

    It was an early day for me as I woke up at 5 a.m. to meet up with Nathan in Ajax On. to take the ride to Kingston for the Scottish Festival. We had a wonderful drive and conversation it made the drive seem quicker than it really was. Arriving at our destination we unpacked the Quaich and met up with Farmer Jones and Crash, as it was nigh on 10:30 the Quaich was promptly pressed into service.

    The intrepid crew From Left to Right Crash, Farmer Jones, Myself and Nathan

    Getting ready for the first dram

    Farmer Jones Nathan and Crash with the Quaich

    Nathan and I

    The caber toss such as it was.

    There was of course Highland dancing as well.

    And pipe bands

    The next post will start our adventure in Kingston itself. As Kingston Ontario has such a rich history it was Nathan who suggested we take the Quaich to the statue of Sir John A MacDonald, Canada's First Prime Minister.
    Last edited by McMurdo; 26th May 14 at 04:56 AM.

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