I think this is way cool. There's not a one of them that I would wear, but somebody in the fasion world is paying attention to what we are doing and trying to go somewhere with it. When I was younger and Levis were clothes for kids and work the fashion folks picked up on them and started designing denim clothes that were outlandish, way to costly, and highly unpractical. It didn't impress those of us who were wearing jeans as our clothing of choice but it did legitimize denim as a fashion choice. Clothing manufacturers followed high fasion by producing more practical daily wear for real people. Now denim is a wardrobe staple for much of the world. Now if the kilt is being percieved as a viable expression by the "artists" of high fasion the wealthy will start buying kilts in order to be affiliated with affluent fasionistas, the clothing industry may well see this as a developing trend and start producing kilts for real people. So I think what these folks are doing is way cool. Even though they aren't producing anything that I would wear, the fact that they are breaking open new images is really exciting.
Thank you Ham for bringing this to our attetion!