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  1. #21
    Join Date
    6th February 17
    Lucerne, Switzerland
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    Is it just me or does the "fell" line appear to be a tad low? This might me due to perspective but it looks as though the kilt wraps around your bottom curvature a bit.

    You might want to secure the fabric into place with some basting stitches even if you had pins. I hate sewing with and especially over pins.

  2. #22
    Join Date
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    It does look like that in the picture, but it does stop just a little before the place where my rear sticks out the furthest.... Which isn't any really. I have no butt.

    I've been using stitches to hold things in place... Among tape, and staples, and my fingers. Along with getting the starting point lined up and putting the needle through then lining the rest up and sewing I then.

    I'm having fun though. And plan to have the kilt done by the end of the day! Got the other cargo pocket done. Just have to secure it to the kilt itself. Fixed the length on the other one. It is now level with the bottom of the kilt. The second one turned out the correct length.. I might be getting the hang of this! 3 more pockets to add (4 if time allows.)

  3. #23
    Join Date
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    So after securing down the fell, my plan for my phone is out the window. I was going to make a pocket toward the back on my right hip. I tested out placement before I sewed down the fell, and there was enough give to house my phone and let me sit without putting stress on the phone. After sewing down the fell that is not the case. It is too tight for my phone.

    At this point I am thinking maybe making a sporran as a phone case.... Or putting another pocket for it under the apron. I don't want to do anything with the cargo pockets because that is where the "hammer loop" and "tong loop" are going (They are not traditional hammer loops, so "hammer loop").

    Any thoughts on a good safe place for a large smartphone? Right now I am thinking my best bet is making a sporran for this. That way it will be removable, and If I add D rings in the back I can hook it on my backside to get it out of the way while working. Def not traditional, but nothing about this really is.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    31st August 16
    Santa Rosa, CA
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    Excellent work and I sympathize on challenges with size. I can't do anything but admire your work, which looks every bit as well made as my off-the-rack canvas kilt. Since you asked for suggestions, my first thought was a leather front apron for your blacksmithing work, leaving the rest cooler as canvas. Perhaps a design thought for your 2.0, which is sure to come.

    Congrats on your craft, I hope you choose to post your kilted blacksmithing experiences here at the forum
    McVeigh Sept of Clan MacLean

  5. #25
    Join Date
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    That is an awesome idea. Idk if there will be a 2.0. I definitely want another kilt. I just don't know if I want to put this much work into it. This thing took me forever to make.

    I'll make some more posts. I have decided to go the route of a sporran with a special pocket for my phone. And I plan on making my shop logo into a kilt pin. So at minimum I'll be posting those things on here.

    And I'll def be sharing my first experiences with my kilt. Have not been brave enough to go outside of my house with it yet, but it's going on YouTube Monday..... So there's gonna be no hiding. Lol. Although it's only been complete for about a day, so I haven't had much chance.

    I have a lot of video editing to do tomorrow. Hope I can find some good Scottish themed music for it... I was looking today, and could not find much of anything that was licensed to be in youtube videos. I even looked into paid music, and couldn't find anything I could afford. So if anybody has some of their own bagpipe recordings I can use feel free to send em to me before tomorrow night. Lol.

    I'm gonna wait to post finished pictures until I can post the video too. So keep an eye out for an update Monday!

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