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  1. #321
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    Quote Originally Posted by McMurdo View Post
    My only question, which one of you is older Steve?
    I dont think either is older, but I stand to be corrected. What could upset people are the Ugh `White Hose

  2. #322
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    Quote Originally Posted by theborderer View Post
    I dont think either is older, but I stand to be corrected. What could upset people are the Ugh `White Hose
    You lost me there for a minute, theborderer, but now I realise you are back on page 1!

    Wrt your avitar, you might like to look at this thread: http://www.xmarksthescot.com/forum/f...playing-88262/
    If you are going to do it, do it in a kilt!

  3. #323
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    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by tpa View Post
    Desn't look like anyone else is going to rise to the challenge, so here we go again. You would not normally find me doing this in the summer months, just rely on the rain, but my daughter borrowed my car for a day and a day in the car park at her gravel works was sufficient to turn it from blue to grey. (Her own car is grey, so the dust it doesn't show!)

    The next challenge is: "Enjoying a drink outside in the sunshine, kilted."
    Hey tpa, nice pic! I was getting around to washing my car this weekend if no one was gonna bite!
    now if I can decide what drink to have outside....

  4. #324
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    tpa has done a yeoman’s job in keeping this thread alive, so there is some trepidation I respond to this challenge. Relaxing with a Gaelic Ale from Highland Brewery in the garden on a sunny day with Drusilla after a busy work week.

    NEXT CHALLENGE: Kilted with other kilties (or another kilted person) at a Scottish/Celtic theme event

  5. The Following 4 Users say 'Aye' to Mael Coluim For This Useful Post:

  6. #325
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    Xmarkers photo op at Granfather Mountain Highland Games last Saturday at noon.

    Next challenge: Kilted on a boat or ship.
    Last edited by ASinclair; 18th July 15 at 08:07 AM. Reason: added description of photo
    Allen Sinclair, FSA Scot
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  7. #326
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    Sorry Alan! As great as that photo is it doesn’t qualify for meeting my challenge.

    Back on post one the Rules state:

    ***** OLD PHOTOS CANNOT be used. That means ANY photo existing in your possession at or before the time a challenge is made does NOT count… After the challenge has been posted you have to go out and get a NEW photo to satisfy it.

    Challenge remains: Kilted with other kilties (or another kilted person) at a Scottish/Celtic theme event

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  9. #327
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mael Coluim View Post
    tpa has done a yeoman’s job in keeping this thread alive, so there is some trepidation I respond to this challenge.
    Why the trepidation, I'm just surprised it took so long for someone to enjoy a drink outside? Even in the UK the weather has been suitable.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mael Coluim View Post
    NEXT CHALLENGE: Kilted with other kilties (or another kilted person) at a Scottish/Celtic theme event
    You can definitely rule me out of this one. The only two Highland Gatherings I know of this year in England, Harpenden and Corby, were both held on the same day, July 12! How is that for organisation? Regrettably at present we do not have any plans to visit Scotland this year during the games season or for any other event.
    Last edited by tpa; 20th July 15 at 01:30 AM.
    If you are going to do it, do it in a kilt!

  10. #328
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    Quote Originally Posted by tpa View Post
    Why the trepidation, I'm just surprised it took so long for someone to enjoy a drink outside? Even in the UK the weather has been suitable.

    You can definitely rule me out of this one. The only two Highland Gatherings I know of this year in England, Harpenden and Corby, were both held on the same day, July 12! How is that for organisation? Regrettably at present we do not have any plans to visit Scotland this year during the games season or for any other event.
    LOL-tpa it's not the drink outside but the unanswered challenge responsibilities!

    Not so fast tpa in being ruled out!

    The challenge doesn't need a Highland Game or a trip to Scotland to be met. The Scottish/Celtic event theme is broad when you consider the word Celtic.

  11. #329
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mael Coluim View Post
    The challenge doesn't need a Highland Game or a trip to Scotland to be met. The Scottish/Celtic event theme is broad when you consider the word Celtic.
    None the less I would rather pass the baton to someone else and draw a few more in.

    In the UK if you google the word "Celtic" the first page of Google is all about the football club and so is the second page, bar the last item!
    If you are going to do it, do it in a kilt!

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  13. #330
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    The challenge has been unmet for 7 days as per the Rules; I’m posting a pic to meet it.

    Pic with kilted friends attending our local Scottish Society Kilt Night to raise funds for a local homeless shelter.

    Next Challenge – using Alan’s previous one; Kilted on a boat or ship.

  14. The Following 3 Users say 'Aye' to Mael Coluim For This Useful Post:

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