8th July 09, 10:41 AM
Jock, it' s nice to hear that you are moving along in your escape..er..um RECOVERY! I'm praying for all the best for you.
Sapienter si sincere Clan Davidson (USA)
Bydand Do well and let them say...GORDON! My Blog
" I'll have a scotch on the rocks. Any scotch will do as long as it's not a blend of course. Single malt Glenlivet, Glenfiddich perhaps maybe a Glen... any Glen." -Swingers
9th July 09, 01:45 PM
Jock, Good to hear about the latest surgery. Glad things went well! Rest up, and soon you'll escape!
Jane, thank you so much for your service, and your updates. We all appreciate it very much!
Godspeed your recovery Jock!
9th July 09, 02:23 PM
Out of curioisty have the nursing staff figured out yet that you have replaced your saline solution IV with G&T or are they still clueless?
-See it there, a white plume
Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
Of the ultimate combustion-My panache
Edmond Rostand
9th July 09, 02:51 PM
 Originally Posted by Panache
Out of curioisty have the nursing staff figured out yet that you have replaced your saline solution IV with G&T or are they still clueless?
Careful what you post here about the nurses! Jock mentioned in a PM that he now knows when something new has shown up here, as the nurses all check out XMarks first thing in the morning -- he can hear them giggling and knows that we've been up to no good again!
So -- ixnay on the injay and onicjay clues there, Jamie. . . you'll let the atkay out of the agbay!
Proudly Duncan [maternal], MacDonald and MacDaniel [paternal].
10th July 09, 03:33 AM
 Originally Posted by Panache
Out of curioisty have the nursing staff figured out yet that you have replaced your saline solution IV with G&T or are they still clueless?
Sheeesh, you chaps will let all my plans out! I still have not discovered how the Commandant found out about the gin in the lime juice. Jamie please remember that "the walls have ears".So far THIS is a secure line of communication,but how long it will last before the ferrets find it, is anybody's guess.
I hear you and the familly are going on a trip North, well, have a great time and if that GRANT pops out of the woodwork(as he might) well I suppose it could ruin a good holiday! Have fun.
10th July 09, 08:04 AM
Its nice to see they didn't remove your sense of humor with the other bits and bobs Jock.
12th July 09, 03:51 AM
Well another week has passed and yes, you have got it, I am STILL here! It seems that the surgeons have finished with me, for the time being. In the nicest possible way, they are charming and extremely skillful fellows, but if I never saw them again that would suit me just fine. Let's hope so!
I have had to try to come to terms with a few things and frankly I am struggling with some of them. I know I am extremely lucky to be here and I am so grateful for every one's skill, hard work, time, support, expense and more than a few tears and I will never forget all that. Somehow though the future and its realities are not looking as rosy as they might. I suppose I have spent the last few months in an all too real world of my own, but at the same time an even more real world is out there waiting, and it is not the world that I knew. All a bit confusing and disconcerting really. I suppose, like we all have to do, I shall have to make the best of it.
Now! How do I get out of here?
12th July 09, 05:54 AM
 Originally Posted by Jock Scot
Now! How do I get out of here?
I would suggest what an old college chum told me was the best way to get home while still potted from a drinking binge: Stand up, face the door, lean forward, and then just try to keep your nose off the pavement. Eventually you should find you way home.
Good luck, friend. Hoping to hear you ar home and settled soon.
jeff :ootd:
12th July 09, 05:56 AM
Jock, my friend, it sounds like you're getting a little frustrated there which is totally understandable. Wish I lived close enough to pop in for a visit so that we could finalize the plans and drop off one of those bottles of Talisker. ;) It sounds like the Drs are getting closer to the point they will be happy to release you. That means you are that much closer to getting the fly rod out and taking your frustrations out on the river. Just remember, a bad day fishing beats the heck out of a good day doing just about anything else!
We will be leaving for church in about 45 minutes and I'll send up another prayer for you to help you through this frustrating part of your recovery. 
12th July 09, 04:07 PM
Grant looked around at his ragtag crew of miscreants, scalliwags, and ne'er-do-wells and shook his head.
"This is the best that the dreaded MOD squad provided me with? Why look at you lot! Not one of you came properly equipped!" Grant tossed back his golden locks and pointed at one guy who was looking around nervously. "You! Where's your rubber chicken sporran!"
"I...I don't have one sir. They were out of them at the commissary."
"That's no excuse! And you!" Grant snaps at another poor volunteer. "Where's your flat cap!"
"I was told they make you stand out..." the volunteer stammered.
"Did I tell you not to wear one?"
"No sir."
"Exactly!" Grant shook his head. "We are here to rescue the esteemed Jock Scot, a legend among kilties, a distant second to me of course..."
Another poor volunteer spoke up. "I thought Hamish was the greatest kilted legend."
"Propaganda, don't believe everything you read or hear."
"But everyone..."
"Enough! We must focus! Now I've bribed the guards and while you lot free Jock I'll be distracting the nurses with my dazzling good looks."
"Only if they are old spinsters with the hots for Fabio," one volunteer muttered under his breath.
"I heard that!"
The group was silent.
Grant continued. "Once we free Jock we race not for the US but Canada! We can blend in their better than anywhere else. Right now lets get a move on."
The middle of the night was the silent time, the hum and beep of medical equipment dominated broken by the occasional burst of noise from a telly or the soft clack of shoes on the floor.
"There, " Grant pointed I'll go distract the nurses and remember! Quiet!" Without checking ot see if his unit responded Grant raced off gleefully rubbing his hands together and muttering to himself over and over again, "hello! Nurse!"
Twenty minutes had passed and Grant was back before Jock's room his hair was a mess and he was sporting two black eyes and nervously looking down all the hallways as cries of "Masher!" echoed throughout.
"They better be ready," he said sullenly opening the door. "All ready?"
"We have a problem Grant, " Jock said I go off these monitors and the system shuts down and locks us in."
"Bloody Panache, to damn drunk AGAIN! to give me the proper details." he looked around at the glum faces of his volunteers. "Nothing we can do I guess, cheerio Jock!"
"Oh but there is Grant, you see, we planned for this," the lst volunteer spoke up. "You're taking Jock's place."
"Don't be daft! That's not in the plan!"
"It was in ours," the other said in unison as they grabbed Grant ripping his rubber chicken sporran from him as he was dragged towards Jock's bed.
"Right make those straps good and tight! And get the damn gag on him!"
Jock was standing off to the side being kitted out the monitors still connected.
"There he can't get out those! Get the monitors on him!"
Grant screamed into his gag and tried to break his bonds to no avail.
"Grant, I will never forget your brave sacrifice for my freedom," Jock said. "But it had to happen this way. Now, lets get out of here."
Jock and the lads hurried off leaving Grant strapped and gagged struggling to break free as the escape party vanished into the night.
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