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  1. #331
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mael Coluim View Post
    Next Challenge – using Alan’s previous one; Kilted on a boat or ship.

    As per the Rules 7 days have passed so I am answering my own challenge.

    And yes, I am on a boat, albeit sitting on the hull on terra firma.

    NEXT CHALLENGE: Kilted by your favorite “vehicle”.

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  3. #332
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mael Coluim View Post
    As per the Rules 7 days have passed so I am answering my own challenge.

    And yes, I am on a boat, albeit sitting on the hull on terra firma.

    NEXT CHALLENGE: Kilted by your favorite “vehicle”.
    The boat one was a little difficult for me as situated here in the middle of England, unfortunately about as far from the sea as it is possible to get in the UK, aside from a couple of private boat clubs on local lochs (lakes in England) and the local kiddies pond, and the local canal boat:

    (that is not me on board, I was on it but it preceded the challenge), finding a boat is somewhat difficult since I sold mine. The vehicle challenge on the other hand I can do every day as it is parked outside, but hopefully someone else will see fit to join in.
    Last edited by tpa; 1st August 15 at 02:21 PM.
    If you are going to do it, do it in a kilt!

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  5. #333
    Join Date
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    I was heading out to get a boat pic when I saw the challenge photo, now I am wanting to get to my favorite vehicle for a pic, I'm using the FAVORITE part to make it special as there are a few vehicles that hold a dear place in my heart going back to childhood, I just need to make the trip.
    "Everything is within walking distance if you've got the time"

  6. The Following 2 Users say 'Aye' to GrainReaper For This Useful Post:

  7. #334
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    I was out to the Highland Fling yesterday in Sterling NY. Plenty of kilts, not too many vehicles. Luckily my favorite vehicle is my 1971 VW Super Beetle (1302). Its in the garage with out it's engine, so it's a 'vehicle'.
    If accepted...
    Next Challenge: Kilted using a human powered vehicle, bike, skateboard, roller skates, etc.
    Dean G. Johnson
    University of Rochester

  8. The Following 3 Users say 'Aye' to NYClark For This Useful Post:

  9. #335
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    Quote Originally Posted by NYClark View Post
    I was out to the Highland Fling yesterday in Sterling NY. Plenty of kilts, not too many vehicles. Luckily my favorite vehicle is my 1971 VW Super Beetle (1302). Its in the garage with out it's engine, so it's a 'vehicle'.
    If accepted...
    Next Challenge: Kilted using a human powered vehicle, bike, skateboard, roller skates, etc.
    Yep, Dean that pic meets my Challenge; yours is the current Challenge. Love your smile!

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  11. #336
    Join Date
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    OK just for the fun of it;
    I was hanging out tonight in Beautiful Down town Grand Junction Colorado when I saw this piece of art work. I remembered the challenge something about human powered transportation. So I got a picture. Then I read the challenge again, "using Human powered transportation". Well I know this was probably not the OP intention But I am using this to steady myself and I am using it to meet a challenge and I am using it to show off my favorite USA kit. So accept or reject it either way it was a fun evening in Colorado.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	11854085_10207024260986375_1182833884_n.jpg 
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ID:	25485
    I am Matty Ross of the Clan ROSS

  12. #337
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    Great outfit Matty and interesting sculpture. Not sure if a sculpture, whatever it is of, qualifies as a human powered vehicle, but that is up to @NYClark to decide.
    If you are going to do it, do it in a kilt!

  13. #338
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matty Ross View Post
    OK just for the fun of it;
    Well I know this was probably not the OP intention But I am using this to steady myself and I am using it to meet a challenge and I am using it to show off my favorite USA kit. So accept or reject it either way it was a fun evening in Colorado.
    Matty, I love the picture and though it may not have been exactly what I meant in the challenge, I heartily accept your picture and declare that it meets the challenge! Also, I am a big fan of public art and your kilt looks great.
    What sir, is the next challenge?
    Dean G. Johnson
    University of Rochester

  14. The Following 4 Users say 'Aye' to NYClark For This Useful Post:

  15. #339
    Join Date
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    Imagination counts Matty. Good job. Give us something we also may warp through interpretation (while kilted of course).

  16. The Following 2 Users say 'Aye' to Tarheel For This Useful Post:

  17. #340
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    It kind of surprised me to win this one. I love this kilted photo challenge, as an Everyday kilt wearer I could if I wanted win most all of these challenges. Of course like to share the opportunities and sometimes I find it hard to think of new and unique challenges.
    Grand Junction Colorado is one of my many "home away from home" places. I work out here one week every two months. One of the fun places here is in the old downtown section, full of little shops restaurants and, a few nice pubs. Along main street there are several dozens pieces "public art "
    Click image for larger version. 

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    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	25494
    How about this for human powered transportation
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	20150806_213642_resized.jpg 
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Size:	91.2 KB 
ID:	25495
    I love this buffalo built entirely from old car bumpers.
    so my Challenge is to post your pic "Kilted with UNIQUE public art"
    I am Matty Ross of the Clan ROSS

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