19th July 09, 06:39 AM
I think that is just great news Jock, out of the woods and all, i certainly hope you will not be there to much longer.
19th July 09, 07:05 AM
Good news Jock. Looks like it will be time to break out the goodies for a..

19th July 09, 08:56 AM
Well Jock...
"Harry" says he's just about ready and can't wait to see you...
20th July 09, 07:57 AM
This is wonderful news Jock!! Great to hear how you are progressing. Keep the spirits up, and before long you can be free of the prison, and at home indulging in a most fine scotch!
20th July 09, 02:09 PM
Jock, it puts such a smile on my face to see you are improving slowly but surely. Keep up the good work!
The fear o' hell's the hangman's whip To laud the wretch in order; But where ye feel your honor grip, Let that aye be your border. - Robert Burns
20th July 09, 04:48 PM
 Originally Posted by Jock Scot
None of those wheel chair things for me, thank you very much!
Smart move, Grant has probably booby trapped all of them.
20th July 09, 11:40 PM
Ah yes "the GRANT problem", how could I forget! Sometimes, just sometimes, I can see that there are advantages of being in a coma. No GRANT, no worrying about the world recession, no GRANT, global warming, no GRANT, world food shortages, no GRANT, World wide terrorism, no GRANT, Nuclear dis-armament, no GRANT, leaking roofs, no Grant, has the new tractor and plough arrived, no Grant, are we going to have enough grouse to shoot, no Grant, Are the salmon returning this year, no Grant, how is our harvest going to go, and well, did I mention No GRANT? Yes, there are really some advantages ,one actually, of being in a coma.
21st July 09, 12:47 PM
Hi Jock,
Just wanted to say that I'm glad to hear that you're improving, and I wish you the best (and continued improvement). Sounds like reality has been rearing its ugly head as of late in terms of worries for the future, etc. I don't have any real advice for this, besides just coming to the conclusion that you just have to take things as they are. Based on your comments in this thread (and others), I can tell that you are a resourceful person. I'm sure you will be able to use your resourcefulness to help you to move on, once you can get out of jail, that is. Good luck - I'm sure there are many more reading this thread and sending you good thoughts (like me) than have actually posted here. That's a lot of good thoughts. Good luck.
23rd July 09, 04:02 AM
Well it is a black day here in this damn place, Jock has been given a major ticking off by all and sundry and has been given some news that confirms what I have been dreading. There have been rumblings, whispers and furtive glances for a while now, but the bomb has just been dropped!
It seems that there will be no more shooting, fishing or long walks in the hills for me and whilst it may be realistic, it is a bitter pill to swallow. If I never fired a shot again, I suppose that it will not really matter,I have, after all, shot more things in a season than many might shoot in a lifetime. The same goes for fishing and it would have been nice to say goodbye to some of those wild, private and special places in the hills. I would like the choice though and it seems that there is none. Dammit!
Yes, I know I have been lucky all my life and I have, honestly, had little to complain about and I really must be grateful for the chance that I have just been given by many wonderfully skilled and dedicated people, but hells teeth this is dire news! Selfish? Yes I bloody am! Brassed off? Too damn right! Lucky too, I know!
Sorry chaps its not any one's fault and I am sorry for the rant.But--------------this is a tricky one to get the hang of-------------as I know I must.
23rd July 09, 04:17 AM
That is a bit of a bombshell, Jock. It's one thing deciding to give up something but quite another to have it imposed upon you. Hopefully as one doors closes another may open - it's what keeps us going after all.
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