23rd July 09, 04:25 AM
Oops ! Sorry for the bad language Jock, but I just couldn't find another word right now...
It's hard to understand how such a thing is possible but... they must know what they are talking about. (Eh ! M...rde ! again).
Our thoughts are with you Jock.
Courage l'ami !
Robert and Chrystel
Robert Amyot-MacKinnon
23rd July 09, 04:42 AM
That is a raw deal, Jock, and I am very sorry to hear this news. You have every right to rant and no apology needed. But as you always do, you landed that rant by bringing the truth into sharp relief. It will be tricky and damn hard to adjust... but you'll do it. I don't know you well, but if I've read anything properly from your writings, I'd say your a man for that job. And hey, if you need a place to rant now and then along the way, don't hesitate on our account. We're all here, and we're all ready to lend an ear.
It's a metaphorical hill to climb in front of you now, but I doubt there's a hill of any kind too steep to keep Jock Scot down for long.
best regards
23rd July 09, 06:15 AM
I just don't know what to say, Jock. That just seems down right unfair. Maybe in time you'll be able to at least get some not so long walks in and a little fishing. <crossing fingers>
23rd July 09, 06:28 AM
I'm so sorry I had hoped you'd be able to recover enough to at least do those things here and there. You're welcome to vent and rant to me if you ever need to -- that does indeed stink, and you have every right to be disappointed.
Is the esca... errr.... the Plan still on schedule?
23rd July 09, 07:46 AM
A bitter pill indeed Jock. If only I had the words to console but sadly I don't. If its any consolation, your XMarks brothers and sisters are with you yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
23rd July 09, 11:06 AM
Blast! Hmmmm, me wonders if there is a way to fulfill your need and do it in a way that the powers-at-be have not thought of.
23rd July 09, 06:49 PM
I recommend a second opinion.
Last edited by Bigkahuna; 23rd July 09 at 06:52 PM.
Reason: spelling error
By Choice, not by Birth
24th July 09, 01:23 PM
Brassed off!
 Originally Posted by Jock Scot
Well it is a black day here in this damn place, Jock has been given a major ticking off by all and sundry and has been given some news that confirms what I have been dreading. There have been rumblings, whispers and furtive glances for a while now, but the bomb has just been dropped!
It seems that there will be no more shooting, fishing or long walks in the hills for me and whilst it may be realistic, it is a bitter pill to swallow. If I never fired a shot again, I suppose that it will not really matter,I have, after all, shot more things in a season than many might shoot in a lifetime. The same goes for fishing and it would have been nice to say goodbye to some of those wild, private and special places in the hills. I would like the choice though and it seems that there is none. Dammit!
Yes, I know I have been lucky all my life and I have, honestly, had little to complain about and I really must be grateful for the chance that I have just been given by many wonderfully skilled and dedicated people, but hells teeth this is dire news! Selfish? Yes I bloody am! Brassed off? Too damn right! Lucky too, I know!
Sorry chaps its not any one's fault and I am sorry for the rant.But--------------this is a tricky one to get the hang of-------------as I know I must.
You bloody well should be! However what you are really looking at is your condition at this moment MINUS your strong constitution and the effects of time. Medical professionals are by nature cautious and pessamistic, musn't give the chap too much hope, what if we are wrong. Hold fast to your dreams and plans, maintain your course and speed, and at the end of the day you fall short it will not be for lack of trying!
Weasel :ootd:
24th July 09, 08:33 PM
 Originally Posted by Mender of Weasels
You bloody well should be! However what you are really looking at is your condition at this moment MINUS your strong constitution and the effects of time. Medical professionals are by nature cautious and pessamistic, musn't give the chap too much hope, what if we are wrong. Hold fast to your dreams and plans, maintain your course and speed, and at the end of the day you fall short it will not be for lack of trying!
Weasel :ootd:
VERY well put, Ensign. Jock, I VERY much agree with what he has said. Set your goal to be able to go fishing, hunting and having that long walk in the hills and who knows, one day..... We are all on your team here.
25th July 09, 07:02 AM
Jock, that prognosis just ... how to put this delicately ... hmmm ... SUCKS! However, maintain a positive attitude. Once you esca ... er ... get out ... er ... are discharged (yeah, that's it! ), unless they send a minder home with you, get yourself outside as much as you feel up to. Small steps at first, don't expect to go as far or as actively as you once did for a while, and soon you'll be proving all those doctors wrong.
Years ago, a friend of mine once fell off a 100 foot cliff and broke nearly 100 bones in his body, was in the hospital for almost four months, had months of therapy afterwards, and wasn't expected to be able to do much in the way of outdoor activites ever again. He has since gone white-water rafting down the Colorado River, summited Mt. Ranier and regularly runs half-marathons! Having a positive attitude can make a world of difference in your recovery.
Hang in there!
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