7th June 06, 12:32 PM
[QUOTE=Al G. Sporrano]Ask and ye shall recieve! If you want to see more, check my website out.
Al, that's a a good lookin' T, but the truck is killer! I used to have a '53 GMC 5-window…
7th June 06, 12:43 PM
Al, nice looking set of wheels, the T-bucket is awesome, I like the Chevy pick-up too.
Here is a picture of my Vette.
7th June 06, 12:49 PM
Flying and aeroplanes (especially old ones); steam trains; old cars and buses.
Regional Director for Scotland for Clan Cunningham International, and a Scottish Armiger.
7th June 06, 01:00 PM
Another interesting thread learning about the variety of hobbies/interests other folks have
My interests are: gardening, cooking, camping, hiking, biking, golfing, home brewing and anything to do with the beach all of which I do with my family except golf - my wife has no interest at the moment.
7th June 06, 01:01 PM
Ya'll are quite the well rounded group. I do hunting/shooting usually flintlocks, traditional archery(including bowfishing), knives(making, collecting, sharpening), cooking, reading, making 18th Century clothes and equipment, wrestling(not WWE style), and mostly spending time with my wife of 21 years. When in the states, I also do my own butchering and processing as well as growing as large a garden as possible. I'm also an out of practice black belt in TKD, though I do pick up techniques from various styles to pass on to my soldiers.
Last edited by TheSp8; 8th June 06 at 11:25 AM.
7th June 06, 01:16 PM
Diverse group. I'm impressed.
My outside interests include doing anything with my 5 year old boxer - Baxter, golf and tennis, reading, working toward my (quite elusive) MBA, hiking/camping, kayaking and Highland games. I am a competitive (*natural*) powerlifter, so training and competing are two of my great loves, and the most time consuming things that I do.
...and I love beer.
7th June 06, 01:54 PM
 Originally Posted by Sciuropterus
Where in Minneapolis do you train? I have done Ju-Jitsu in Mpls for 8 years and went to MN Kali Group for a couple of years. Also got a brown belt in TKD when I was a teenager.
My main interests are reading, motorcycles, raising/exhibiting flying squirrels, martial arts. I used to be an airbrush artist and sign painter (for 10 years), I quit doing that, my lungs needed a break. I have a pilot's licence and racked up about 150 hours and basically lost interest.
I am trying to improve my photography/Photoshop and web design skills. I will be turning 40 this summer, my male biological clock went off and I suddenly am taking a mild interest in lawn care, gardening and landscaping, which I have always detested.
Hey, I just went to Kali on Monday and I will be going again today...I am starting a CSW class (Combat Submission Wrestling) it is basically what you see on UFC and Pride Fights.It is a mixed martial art (MMA) that involoves Muay-Thai style kickboxing/clinches and uses Judo/Wrestling/Brazilian Jiujitsu submissions, throws, positions and takedowns. By the way, I trained in Karate for 1year and on monday when I started the CSW class, I had to adapt to Muay-Thai style kicks which are very different...Karate seems to be very snappy and precise, but Muay-Thai is not snappy and has a lot of follow through for hard kicks that off balance your opponent, also Muay-thai kicks seem a little faster to me. The grappling is probably my favorite part of the class, but I have only been there once, so no final decisions; I am 5'7" 140lbs, so grappling seems to suit me better than striking...
Anyhow, Do you still practice martial arts in Minneapolis? Where?
PS: i am not sure if where is correct grammar, I'll never figure out were, where, their, there etc and the list goes on...
Here is a quick clip of CSW, I dont like the music, but it shows a good preview of CSW
Combat Submission Wrestling
and...just browse through the weird ones for the real csw...
CSW clips on yahoo
Last edited by I M Kilted!; 7th June 06 at 02:07 PM.
7th June 06, 01:55 PM
I love the truck. Where was that taken?
Also, I got another column up today. If you want to see it it's at roadsideonline.com
7th June 06, 02:02 PM
Deer hunting, muzzleloading and shooting just about any other legal firearm, as well as hunting with crossbows. Fishing, both fresh and saltwater, league bowling (told yall. I'm a redneck) and golf.
"A day spent in the fields and woods, or on the water should not count as a day off our allotted number upon this earth."
Jerry, Kilted Old Fart.
7th June 06, 02:03 PM
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