To all. The origins of the the various events that comprise a Highland Games can be broken down to simple equations.
Scottish men + beer + testosterone + hammer = HAMMER THROW
Scottish men + beer + testosterone - hammer + rock = STONE PUT
Scottish men + too much testosterone + too much beer - hammer - rock + great big log = CABER TOSS
Bored Scottish men + Scotch + gopher holes + crooked walking stick + little ball = GOLF
Really really REALLY bored Scottish men + winter + ice + giant vat of alcohol + broom + large rock = CURLING
After Curling became an actual recognized sport, the newly founded United Nations voted unanimously that Scotland was no longer permitted to invent new games. Which is a blessing because you know somewhere in the highlands the equation began:
Scottish men + Scotch + Beer + Testosterone + sheep...
Last edited by Panache; 14th June 06 at 04:36 PM.
-See it there, a white plume
Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
Of the ultimate combustion-My panache
Edmond Rostand