Ham, may you have a very enjoyable day for this your 70th birthday. Keep those pics coming to us
Happy Birthday Hamish. Many more.
Happy birthday Hamish--Have a gid yin
A very happy birthday to you! Even if it's a little late.
My warmest congratulations on your birthday, Hamish. I hope you have a wonderful day and many more birthdays to come. All my best, David
"Touch not the cat bot a glove."
Happy Birthday, Hamish!
Happy Birthday Ham!
Have a great kilted birthday Hamish!!!
Belated Birthday Wishes for the Elder Statesman of our little community. I hope you had a good day, spent with good friends, doing what you like to do.
All the best Ham and may there be many, many more! All in good health and mind. Bill
May all your blessings be the ones you want and your friends many and true.
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