14th February 07, 01:21 PM
I'm dying to see it, but the pictures aren't working for me. Photos usually work fine here, but once in a while--like this one--they only give me that little box with the red X.
I'm on IE--does that have anythign to do with it?
Jim Killman
Writer, Philosopher, Teacher of English and Math, Soldier of Fortune, Bon Vivant, Heart Transplant Recipient, Knight of St. Andrew (among other knighthoods)
Freedom is not free, but the US Marine Corps will pay most of your share.
14th February 07, 05:33 PM
 Originally Posted by thescot
I'm dying to see it, but the pictures aren't working for me. Photos usually work fine here, but once in a while--like this one--they only give me that little box with the red X.
I'm on IE--does that have anythign to do with it?
Try right clicking on the pic and open in a new window. If that doesn't work, can you turn off your firewall? Do you have Firefox to try with?
--Working for the earth is not a way to get rich, it is a way to be rich
The Most Honourable Dale the Unctuous of Giggleswick under Table
14th February 08, 07:24 PM
I can just smell the brew! I inherited five acres in Grants Pass Oregon, still waiting on the probate lawyer: evil: Love to drink some good home brew and sample the microbreweries across the world. I guess it also helps that I am a HASHER Beer is good for you!
14th February 08, 09:23 PM
15th February 08, 03:53 AM
 Originally Posted by Canadian_Kilt
Looks great! I've always wanted to get into making homebrew. I've done a couple kits in the past, and they turned out ok, but I'd love to try making it from scratch. Any ideas on good information sources for homebrewing?
Sam Adams is advertising a homebrew kit on TV. They are also having a contest for Homebrewers. If you win, they will market your recipe. How cool is that. I may even do another batch. years ago, I made a cherry stout. My neighbors loved it.
15th February 08, 11:48 AM
I haved GOT to do that! GOTTA try brewing.
15th February 08, 12:26 PM
As Nike says "just do it"
Hi folks!
Back in Australia, I had a very nice homebrew set-up: 3 brewing vats, all the hydrometers, bottling equip, etc. I sold the lot to an acquaintance from the SCA for $100 before I came out to the 'States (far less than the equipment cost to purchase, let me tell you).
I'll just second some of our homebrewers here when I say it's not too hard to do! I made a couple of very nice amber ales, which immediately spoilt me for commercial beers! Then I got a bit ambitious and tried to 'adjust' the recipies!!! Oh my!! Exploding bottles, puddles of beer, and glass shards everywhere! No real damage (except a slightly dented pride and some lost bottles).
But yes, when I move out of this apartment and the opportunity presents itself, I'll be getting into homebrewing again. The end product is certainly worth the effort! int:
Pro Libertate (For Freedom!) The motto of the Wallace Clan
When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty.
15th September 08, 02:27 PM
I never knew there were so many interested in home brewing. I have been doing it for years and am on a cool forum. There are lots more out there, but it would be nice to get a few kilties over there to talk with. I just posted a poll in the brew forum and seems there are quite a few who would wear a kilt. Maybe you guys can come over and get them to come to the "dark side", lol. Here's a picture of my setup just for the curious.

Did it all myself. I just completed insulating my tuns better and lining them with truck bed liner for toughness. They turned out pretty good. Anyways, saw the thread and thought I'd post just in case there are some that want to know where a kilted brewer can go, lol. matter of fact, our very own Kilted Brewer is on there.
Oh, here is what I ferment in under pressure. My beer never sees the atmosphere from the time the yeast is pitched until it hits your glass.
15th September 08, 02:30 PM
Sorry, forgot to post the picture of my fermenter before I closed the last post. Here she is, a 15.5 gallon Sanke fermenter with spunding valve for pressure fermentation. It is in a chest freezer for temperature control.
15th September 08, 03:19 PM
 Originally Posted by wortmonger
Anyways, saw the thread and thought I'd post just in case there are some that want to know where a kilted brewer can go, lol. matter of fact, our very own Kilted Brewer is on there.
HA...actaully, I'm Kilted Taper over here! I just do it all kilted.
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