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Thread: Pocket Watches.

  1. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by filman View Post
    here is a pic of most of my watches.. the watch pockets work great with a kilt.
    What an excellent collection. Even though I am not easily impressed, I am.
    Glen McGuire

    A Life Lived in Fear, Is a Life Half Lived.

  2. #32
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    ooooh, that early wrist watch is sweet. Is that a moon faze I cant quite make it out?

  3. #33
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    it is a reproducution of a 1933 watch
    at 12 o'clock it has a month dial
    at 3 o'clock it has the day of month dial
    at 6 o'clock it has a 24 hour dial over a sun and moon disk that rotates from day to night
    at 9 o'clock it has the day of the weak

  4. #34
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    cool, I only have a couple o pockets but my oldest is a Elgin in a Watham case from 1847. You can pick up all sorts on the web for cheap compared to a new watch......

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Robin View Post
    I'm the proud owner of an antique gold Swiss Remontoir Ancre 15 rubis "Chronometre Noble" pocket watch...in mint condition and in perfect working order. Including the original chain.
    It was presented to my great-grandfather in 1925 for 25 years of loyal service. Engraved on the back...covered by a lid.

    I'll make some pictures by daylight...I just tried with flash, but that's impossible.

  6. #36
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    I was thinking about this thread the other day and it occured to me that when it comes to battery powered watches, I have the opposite experience...the batteries seem to last WAY longer than they have any right to...and I mean years. I have a couple of watches sitting in the drawer still running that I actively wore for a couple of years and haven't worn for a couple more. This is just as well...I can usually change them out myself but with some of the more difficult watches I've tried taking them to repairmen and they have done more damage changing the battery than not. I have found one guy downtown who's competent and - thank God - he actually has a younger guy apprenticing to him...so there'll be somebody around when he retires.

    Best watch story was one told by Chicago Newspaperman Mike Royko. He told of one of his colleagues who showed up at work flashing a brand new $5,000 Rolex and making sure that everyone knew how much the watch had cost. Royko took a look at the watch and siad something like, "...it's nice". The Rolex owner was disappointd by such faint praise and commented that Royko was obviously no judge of timepieces because he was wearing a cheap $10 digital watch from Walgreen's...and, the guy observed, it wasn't even running. Royko glanced down at the watch and seeing that this was true removed it from his wrist, laid it on a desk, picked up a stapler and smashed the watch into little pieces. He then opened a desk drawer, pulled out a brand new one, took it out of the package and put it on. He looked at the Rolex guy and said, "You know, I can do this every year for fifty years and I'll still know what time it is and I'll still be $4,500 ahead of you."



  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by auld argonian View Post
    I was thinking about this thread the other day and it occured to me that when it comes to battery powered watches, I have the opposite experience...the batteries seem to last WAY longer than they have any right to...and I mean years. I have a couple of watches sitting in the drawer still running that I actively wore for a couple of years and haven't worn for a couple more. This is just as well...I can usually change them out myself but with some of the more difficult watches I've tried taking them to repairmen and they have done more damage changing the battery than not. I have found one guy downtown who's competent and - thank God - he actually has a younger guy apprenticing to him...so there'll be somebody around when he retires.

    Best watch story was one told by Chicago Newspaperman Mike Royko. He told of one of his colleagues who showed up at work flashing a brand new $5,000 Rolex and making sure that everyone knew how much the watch had cost. Royko took a look at the watch and siad something like, "...it's nice". The Rolex owner was disappointd by such faint praise and commented that Royko was obviously no judge of timepieces because he was wearing a cheap $10 digital watch from Walgreen's...and, the guy observed, it wasn't even running. Royko glanced down at the watch and seeing that this was true removed it from his wrist, laid it on a desk, picked up a stapler and smashed the watch into little pieces. He then opened a desk drawer, pulled out a brand new one, took it out of the package and put it on. He looked at the Rolex guy and said, "You know, I can do this every year for fifty years and I'll still know what time it is and I'll still be $4,500 ahead of you."


    Excellent story! Reminds me of how my neighbor changed when he decided to go out and purchase a BMW. His first move was to come over and tell me that I should sell my "old clunker" ( a 1968 RS/SS Camaro ) and buy a "Beemer". I simply told him that in 5 years his "Beemer" would be an old used car and my Camaro would still be a classic. Some people!


  8. #38
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    I just won another Westclox Scotty dollar watch on eBay. They may not be as presitgious as an Elgin, but I intend on wearing it on a daily basis, and I don't want to risk damaging an expensive watch. Plus, I've always liked dollar watches.

    When looking for antique pocket watches, I always look for ones with a second hand in the place of the 6. In my opinion, a real pocket watch doesn't have a 6 Unfortunately, that's a feature that's very rare on modern watches.
    An uair a théid an gobhainn air bhathal 'se is feàrr a bhi réidh ris.
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    Kiltio Ergo Sum.
    I Kilt, therefore I am. -McClef

  9. #39
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    Man, this is rekindling my long love of pocket watches! Thing is, my cell phone has taken place of any functionality of a watch...

  10. #40
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    A cell phone may replace the functionality of a watch, but it will never replace the style.

    I still don't have a cell phone, but even if I did have one I don't think I would stop carrying a watch. Maybe redundant, but I've always loved watches.
    An uair a théid an gobhainn air bhathal 'se is feàrr a bhi réidh ris.
    (When the smith gets wildly excited, 'tis best to agree with him.)

    Kiltio Ergo Sum.
    I Kilt, therefore I am. -McClef

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