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  1. #31
    Join Date
    27th June 05
    London, Ontario, Canada
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    There is an odd argument that comes up every once in a while. It asks that women are not requested to be careful about their modesty.

    I would imagine that the "authority" asking assumes that most women know the risks of exposing (and then it's their choice), whereas kilted men may not have that awareness from life-long experience. I have seen some gross examples of this. Heck, I had to learn how to tie my shoes all over again (and how far over can I lean into the trunk on a windy day).

    (One of the benefits of this forum is to learn those things somewhere else than a children's playground.)

    They have the right to be reassured that you have the same concern.

  2. #32
    Join Date
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    Also, when it comes to the lower half of the body women don't have to be quite as careful of accidental exposure. Most of their plumbing is on the inside and doesn't hang down. Showing a bit more thigh than intended can have more disastrous side effects with the male species.

  3. #33
    Join Date
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    Thank you to all for your inputs. I appreciate the support, opinions, and wisdom.

    And now for the rest of the story...

    My boss saw me once around town wearing my UK. He recognized me from his car and drove by yelling "Nice kilt!!" I didn't recognize him at the time, but tipped my hat to the compliment anyway.

    The next week at work he asked if I get comments like that all the time. "Huh?" "The kilt! Do you get comments like that all the time?" "OOOOHHH!!! That was you!" I replied. Short conversation lacking any real substance followed.

    A day later we were heading down the stairs to a company meeting and I asked "You know that kilt I wore? Do you think I could wear it he..." "No." He cut me off. "Really? You don't think so?" I asked, and his answer was just as adamant and short. That was about three years ago. I wish I hadn't asked...

    Last year before the Christmas party (the first ever in company's 17-year history) I AGONIZED over whether or not I should wear a kilt and decided that I shouldn't because of his reaction. Well, at the party he asked why I wasn't wearing a kilt! ARRRGGGHHHH!!!!

    Well, I've decided that I'm going to do my damnest to dump bifurcated garments from my life. Whenever I do yardwork I'll wear one. Going to the DIY store? Kilted. Saturday market - kilted. I'm making my own x-kilt (going fairly well so far, and there will be many more and then some of my own design!) and scraping together cash to buy enough kilts that I can dump pants entirely (with some exceptions, like off-site customer visits, and I'm fine with that). The biggest hold-up is ... work.

    I've decided on my strategy: wear them everywhere and be seen by my coworkers. In some cases I'll switch into one at the end of the workday when I'm leaving. I'll wear one to the Christmas part this year, and at any other work-related off-hours functions. Once I think I've gotten enough exposure (ahem!) I'll bring up the subject again.

    My goal is to make him and the pres of the company, who I run across in town rather frequently, realize that this is normal wear and not a costume. Also, if asked "do you always wear kilts?" I want my answer to be "whenever I'm not at work." Further, if lots of people at work have seen me wearing a kilt then the reaction at work will be minimal. In fact many coworkers have seen me kilted, and the reactions ran the normal spread.

    Where I work has always been a very conservative place. When I was hired I was one of the most outspoken personalities in the place, and with my pony-tail (short) and earring (subtle) I really shook up the place.

    I posted my original message to collect wisdom, and to understand if my employer is unreasonable. I completely understand why some employers aren't comfortable with men in kilts, as mine is currently, and now I have to try to make them comfortable with it in a way that won't cost me my job!

    Thanks again.

    I'll post pics of my xkilt when I get it done!

  4. #34
    Join Date
    10th August 04
    San Jose, CA
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    Sounds to me like you have a well-reasoned strategy in the works. Best of luck to you. Still, men shouldn't have to ask permission to wear men's clothing to work.

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