9th January 09, 03:21 PM
here are the new pictures, sans-matching flashes:
I added the pocket square in the green tie/black shirt picture in the hopes of distracting Jamie from the fact that it's still a black shirt 
I think I'm going to go with black shirt green tie, so thanks for the recommendation on that, AA.
9th January 09, 03:25 PM
If you are going with the Green tie, I'd say wear the white shirt, it gives the outfit some needed balance, with the Red tie the Black shirt does not bother me as much. The pocket square is a nice touch as well.
9th January 09, 03:40 PM
I agree with McMurdo, I would go with thw white shirt to break things up a little. I think the green tie goes well with the green in your kilt btw.
9th January 09, 03:57 PM
I personally like the look of the white shirt in both pictures. When I scrolled down, I was like "ooohhh...I like that". I say keep the pocket square, though.
9th January 09, 04:03 PM
I say both look GREAT., But because of the "EVENT" I would wear the Black/Green
9th January 09, 08:50 PM
Looking "wicked" sharp, indeed, as we say here in Beantown!
The pocket square is a nice touch, and the Wicked green flashes will definitely be a great addition.
10th January 09, 09:00 PM
White shirt/green tie. 'Nuff said.
10th January 09, 09:26 PM
I've watched this thread from the start and like the black look but I have to say the best so far is the white shirt and green tie. It gives th outfit a certain balance. Very nice...
11th January 09, 09:24 AM
Hmm.... Do you have a light grey shirt, perchance?

I wonder how that would look with the green tie?
I agree with McMurdo that the black shirt seems to work better with the red tie than the green one. I could certainly live with the white shirt, but it seems a little stark in contrast to the darkness of the rest of the outfit.
11th January 09, 09:46 AM
Looks very smart! I'm hoping to get my own argyll jacket later this week. And for tips - I'd change the colour of the shirt myself. perhaps to the green in your kilt, for there is nothing matching the kilt. or you'd have to change the socks to the kilt's green (or both the shirt and socks!).
Looks awesome though.
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