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  1. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Panache View Post
    Chinese is not Grant's strong suit
    Damn it! We have to wear suits now? I just ordered a new kilt from Keltoi!!! Why am I not getting these memos?

    Will every one resheath their weapons. KD Burke is still not a member of the OotD. You people are just wasting a lot of dandilion wine based fuel for Panache's silly blimp thingy.

    BTW Phil I enjoyed your latest photographic portfolio. Pretty flowers everywhere. I especially liked the composition of the dandilion in the cannon. It harkens back to the images of the hippy-girl sliding the daisy into the barrel of the National Guardsman's rifle.

    "I'd like to teach the world to sing..."

  2. #32
    Join Date
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    Well - Grant you old hippie you - I 'll bet you tucked a few Be-Ins and Piano Drops under that sporran strap of yours back in the day now didn't you?

  3. #33
    Join Date
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    My beloved Abigail (lovely dog that she is) a hostage? Intolerable! I could not risk any harm coming to her. “What have you done with her!” I asked.

    “Nothing. And unlikely to if you cooperate.”

    “Do what you will with me!” I was bold in my wrath. “But let Abby go!”

    Them man smiled, dabbed again at his runny nose, and said “Come along then.”

    As we stepped outside beige mini-van pulled up to the curb. My new associate opened the sliding door and gestured me into the back. As I settled myself into the seat furthest from the door, he reached into a pocket and withdrew a blindfold. He didn’t have to ask me to don it. Afterward, my seatbelt was fastened and my hands cuffed in front of me. I heard the driver sneeze just ahead of me.

    We drove for some time. I tried to keep track of the turns, but was unable to ascertain precisely how far left counted as a “left” etc. At last we pulled to a stop. The door opened and my seatbelt loosed. I was handed out onto a paved area, and led on foot about 40 steps. I could tell that we entered a building by the change in ambient noise and the sudden decrease in humidity.

    My blindfold was removed once we entered an elevator. When the doors dinged open I saw….an ordinary office. Row upon endless (or at least moderate lengthy) row of Steelcase desks, Aeron chairs, and shoulder high cubicle walls. A small army of men in polo shirts or button-downs with khaki trousers worked at computers. Occasionally a man would rise, walk to a fax machine, feed it some papers, then return to his desk.

    I was led past the rows of cubicles, to a conference room about 20 feet by twelve. I was instructed to sit, and left alone inside, though I had no doubt that the door was guarded. I looked around me. The room was pleasantly bland with a rectangular table, eight chairs, a triangular conference telephone, and a video projector. A banal seascape with few lines and fewer colors failed to make the tan wall more interesting.

    Some time passed before the door opened again. A tall, slender man, in a grey suit sneezed as he entered. He wiped his nose with a tissue and gave me a sheepish smile. “I’d offer to shank hands but….”

    “I understand entirely.” I replied.

    “So, what do you think of the place?” he asked, genuine interest on his rather plain features.

    “Perhaps I could form a better opinion, were I to know the nature of this….establishment.”

    Puzzled, he glanced at a folder in his left hand. “That’s right, you haven’t been told! Welcome to the international headquarters of the Ragweed Brotherhood!"
    'A damned ill-conditioned sort of an ape. It had a can of ale at every pot-house on the road, and is reeling drunk. "

  4. #34
    Join Date
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    hmmm what's needed is the usual:
    imported chilean dandelions

    Think On!:blimp:
    May you find joy in the wee, ken the universe in the peculiar and capture peace in the compass of drop of dew

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by pdcorlis View Post
    Well - Grant you old hippie you - I 'll bet you tucked a few Be-Ins and Piano Drops under that sporran strap of yours back in the day now didn't you?
    Actually I learned all about your generation of flower childen in ancient history!!!

    For the the latest KD Burke is still not a member of OotD (but weaselMender does have a double membership). With all this nefarious rabble rousing I might recruit him for SOKS.

  6. #36
    Join Date
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    The Order of the Dandelion

    Greetings all, 10 November, 632pmMST

    Holy cow! All this hubbub and I'm not a part of it.............

    Where do I enlist? I'll bring the pipes along.

    Need to get our local Brother "Macthenife" on board too.

    That is, if Shaws and Gunns are accepted to the Order........

    Fide et Fortitudine, aye!


  7. #37
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    I see that our Brother Macthenife is already a member of the Order.

  8. #38
    Join Date
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    Sounds like you gentlemen have some pretty good fun.

  9. #39
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dirka Skene View Post
    Sounds like you gentlemen have some pretty good fun.
    Welcome dear !


    Robert Amyot-MacKinnon

  10. #40
    Join Date
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    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by KD Burke View Post
    Puzzled, he glanced at a folder in his left hand. “That’s right, you haven’t been told! Welcome to the international headquarters of the Ragweed Brotherhood!"
    Great story ! Bravo !

    Can't wait to read the rest .


    Robert Amyot-MacKinnon

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