18th March 10, 08:13 PM
Very sorry to hear about this bump in your road, but glad that things are looking up. Sue and I wish you a speedy recovery to your gracious form.
The secret of happiness is freedom,
and the secret of freedom, courage
18th March 10, 08:50 PM
Our thoughts and prayers go out to him and his family.
Greg Livingston
Clan MacLea (Livingstone)
19th March 10, 01:41 AM
Best wishes Rex. Hope you're on the mend as soon as possible.
Robert & Chrystel
Robert Amyot-MacKinnon
19th March 10, 08:06 AM
Best wishes for a speedy recovery Rex!
"There is one success- to be able to spend your life your own way."
~Christopher Morley
19th March 10, 12:44 PM
Here is an update on Rex.
I spoke with Ruth this morning and she confirms that Rex is out of the intensive care ward.
He is allowed visitors but she asks that only one or two visitors at a time go to see him. Rex is still under some medications that make him drowsy and he may nod off during a long visit and the excitement of a lot of visitors would not be a good thing just yet.
Card and flowers can be sent either directly to the Hospital or via Thistle Down House. (see above for addresses)
I let Ruth know about this thread and all the well wishes. She was surprised by the outpouring of the sentiments of the rabble and quite taken aback by all those who have inquired about Rex. I am sure she will let Rex know about this thread as soon as he can have access to a computer.
Last edited by Steve Ashton; 19th March 10 at 03:56 PM.
19th March 10, 03:51 PM
thank you for the update Steve.
20th March 10, 03:35 AM
Humm, seems to me that the escape committee needs to convene, plans to make, tunnels to dig, maps, travel times, how far to the border, all those sorts of things need sorting out. I suppose we had better involve Grant otherwise who knows what trouble he will get us into.Now, maybe-----perhaps------could be-------yes----- Rex and Grant have a good head of hair maybe if we greyed up Grants golden locks with woodash, or some such, we could swap him with Rex and just leave Grant in the bed. I do recall that Grant has done this type of work before, humm---- yes a plan is forming.
Glad to hear you are feeling a wee bit better Rex. Onwards and upwards!
20th March 10, 06:46 AM
Hmmm Yes, Jock, that should work out well. Now we just need to create a distraction so that the exchange is made. I could bring a wee nip to distract the Doctors but someone will need to take care of the nurses. On second thought, I'll distract the nurses and someone else can occupy the Doctor. 
Glad to hear things are improving, Rex. You keep getting stronger and we'll work out the escape plans.
Greg Livingston
Clan MacLea (Livingstone)
20th March 10, 07:37 AM
Maybe we can get Big Mikey to sneak in.....wait, I have trouble imagining Big Mikey sneaking anywhere...
I know, Big Mikey creates the distraction (this should be easy for him -- he has a commanding presence), and someone like Raphael sneaks in......
Last edited by KiltedKnome; 20th March 10 at 09:42 AM.
Reason: Spelling leaves something to be desired....
20th March 10, 09:19 AM
Sorry your weasel's busted maybe I can mend it for you..........that gives me an idea, a loose ferret on the ward being chased by Big Mikey.......we can spirt you ot with no trouble at all
Get well
Weasel :ootd:
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