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  1. #31
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    This is similar to the posts in the thread in the Modern Kilt Section in that it presents kilts in fashion patterns, not tartans. I think PaulHenry has it right "Surely this hotel is a place for a contemporary styling as it is a very contemporary styled hotel."

    The Missoni family has been doing beautiful knitwear for several decades and this is a kind of new venture. I like the kilt - or skirt - if you must, but I really would like to see it dressed up a little bit...maybe try one of the classic Missoni sweaters on top.

  2. #32
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    While not my cup of tea, I think the pattern is certainly eye-catching. To each his own.

    I have walked through a fabric and craft store and paid more attention to some of the curtain and upholstery fabrics, imagining what a kilt would look like in that fabric. I've even pleated some. Heck, if a camo kilt is okay, why not the doorman's?

    "No howling in the building!"

  3. #33
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    This zig-zag pattern reminds me of the afghan throws my mother used to knit.

  4. #34
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    I think it looks like someone took throw rugs and made kilts out of them. Or possibly some leftover upholstery - I've seen couches in material like that.

    The aprons alone made me dizzy. I think seeing the pleats would be a bit too much.

  5. #35
    Mike_Oettle's Avatar
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    Lime quoted the Missoni line: “Fashion is about wearing today what you would not have wanted to wear yesterday and will not want to wear any more tomorrow.”

    It is this very transience that makes me shy away from fashion.
    Wearing a kilt is sufficiently out of the ordinary for me.
    I like kilts and I like tartans. It would be great to build up a kilt kollection like some other members here, but not for the sake of fashion.
    As for men wearing kilts without sporrans – there is too much of a risk of indecency at some point.
    The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life.
    [Proverbs 14:27]

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jock Scot View Post
    Try as I might and I am trying very hard to be positive! I realise that the hotel is trying to be up to date and by the look of it, with the actual building and facilities they have succeeded in that very well, but what a shame those kilts and shoes have taken that modern theme one step too far and spoils the whole effect for me. Apart from that, the doorman needs a hair cut!
    But Jock, his hair isn't all that long compared to mine!

    I have to confess, though, if nothing else, that I don't really think of t-shirts as smart attire suitable for a doorman. Where are their peaked caps with gold braid and where are the epaulets and lanyards on their jackets?

    After all, if you can't have a laugh at a doorman for looking like Colonel Blimp, then why bother having them, LOL!

  7. #37
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    With in interest in quantum physics, they look like the result of a proton/antiproton collision. Maybe they should be the official err tartan? for the large hadron collider at Cern.

  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by O'Callaghan View Post
    But Jock, his hair isn't all that long compared to mine!

    I have to confess, though, if nothing else, that I don't really think of t-shirts as smart attire suitable for a doorman. Where are their peaked caps with gold braid and where are the epaulets and lanyards on their jackets?

    After all, if you can't have a laugh at a doorman for looking like Colonel Blimp, then why bother having them, LOL!

    There was a time in my life when I had hair-----even longish hair! However, even as old fashioned as I might be, I would be very unhappy at my first impressions of a hotel that looks like its going(I have not looked at their tariffs)to be on the receiving end of some of my money, maybe quite a lot of it, when greeted by a doorman looking as though he was an extra on "Braveheart" dressed in a rug and T shirt and wearing trainers!
    " Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.

  9. #39
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    Why, I wonder, complain when a hotel like this new 5-star Missoni make their doormen wear kilts of their own design?

    To Missoni Hotel the traditional kilt might be as little a national symbol of Scotland as is it to all the other fine Edinburgh hotels - with their doormen in trousers.

    You can always discuss design. That’s why we in our world have so many choices. I for my part like it. And first of all I welcome initiatives to bring the kilt out of a context, relating to national dress ONLY.

    The Missoni kilt cannot, to my opinion, mean a threat to the traditional kilt – as this is not or hardly ever worn, whatsoever, and only by a minority of Scots.

    So dear Scotsmen, if you do fear the competition or the future of the traditional tartan kilt, wear it, wear it. And not just for weddings, funerals and the like. Wear it every day.

    By the way, I suppose you all know that companies can lose a monopoly, when they forget to utilize it.

    Kilted for comfort, difference, look, variety and versatility

  10. #40
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    With the greatest of respect GG, do you think, on reflection, that you may be being a tad presumptous there?
    " Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.

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