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  1. #31
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    Re: An unexpected surprise!

    Our second was a surprise - we'd given up but then the rabbit bit the bullet.

    OK, the first few months can be a bit difficult, but they'll fade into insignificance.

    Congrats to you and your wife.
    AKA - The Scouter in a Kilt.
    Proud, but homesick, son of Skye.
    Member of the Clan MacLeod Society (Scotland)

  2. #32
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    Re: An unexpected surprise!

    Is it normal for her to be Maniacally angry ALL of the time? Everything I do is wrong!!

  3. #33
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    Re: An unexpected surprise!

    Congratulations... i just had my first kid this year myself and as a new father there are alot of tough times ahead but the benefits make up for it. the first time you hold them, see them smile, hear them say da-da, walk, or see them in their first kilt. those moments make it all worth wild.

    b.t.w. also hoping to teach my son the pipes, getting him a childs chanter to play with for his first bday november.

  4. #34
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    Re: An unexpected surprise!

    Quote Originally Posted by celticpride View Post

    b.t.w. also hoping to teach my son the pipes, getting him a childs chanter to play with for his first bday november.
    That's great! Let me know how the teaching goes.

  5. #35
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    Re: An unexpected surprise!

    Quote Originally Posted by flyingshamrock View Post
    Is it normal for her to be Maniacally angry ALL of the time? Everything I do is wrong!!
    It happens ;) Her body's just a tad freaked out at the moment. Usually things will mellow out a bit after a few months, then she'll be absolutely exhausted towards the end, but YMMV. In the end it'll all be worth it, though I've found it can be the scariest thing in the world at times (raising a child that is, not a crazed, pregnant woman - that can be a whole different bowl of scary )

  6. #36
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    Re: An unexpected surprise!

    Quote Originally Posted by flyingshamrock View Post
    Is it normal for her to be Maniacally angry ALL of the time? Everything I do is wrong!!
    Yes. Sorry about that.
    Being a mom makes you mean.
    The pregnancy part is just the prequel.
    It doesn't get better.

    I apologize on behalf of all women.

  7. #37
    Join Date
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    Re: An unexpected surprise!


    Normal pregnancy?

    No such animal - anything can happen - demands for calamari and chocolate custard at three am - it's those wonderful hormones doing what they think is required.

    As a loving husband you get in the car and return in an hour with the required foods, and then an hour later the morning sickness kicks in -

    Try to remember it is only for the duration of the pregnancy, but when labour starts you are really going to get what for. it is, after all, all your fault, and it is more than likely that you will be told this quite forcefully.

    If things run on the usual lines about three hours in, there will be a vehement declaration that there will be no more babies, ever - just be sure there are no scissors or sharp implements to hand.

    You could try reasoned argument to calm things down, and if you suceed then I can see a career herding cats or carving smoke could be right up your street.

    I hope that all goes well in this, all joking aside, it is one of life's best experiences, even when it doesn't feel like it.

    Anne the Pleater :ootd:

    Quote Originally Posted by flyingshamrock View Post
    Is it normal for her to be Maniacally angry ALL of the time? Everything I do is wrong!!

  8. #38
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    Re: An unexpected surprise!

    Pleater and GoodGirlGonePlaid, you're scaring me, and I shouldn't even have to worry about any of that...
    * Renews plans to stay single for rest of life. *

    Best of wishes to OP.
    I tried to ask my inner curmudgeon before posting, but he sprayed me with the garden hose…
    Yes, I have squirrels in my brain…

  9. #39
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    Re: An unexpected surprise!

    Quote Originally Posted by GoodGirlGonePlaid View Post
    Yes. Sorry about that.
    Being a mom makes you mean.
    The pregnancy part is just the prequel.
    It doesn't get better.

    I apologize on behalf of all women.
    Great! She's going to be crazy for EVER!?!

    Quote Originally Posted by Pleater View Post
    it is, after all, all your fault, and it is more than likely that you will be told this quite forcefully.

    If things run on the usual lines about three hours in, there will be a vehement declaration that there will be no more babies, ever - just be sure there are no scissors or sharp implements to hand.

    Anne the Pleater :ootd:
    She has already said that this better be a boy because she is DONE, no more babies.

  10. #40
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    Re: An unexpected surprise!

    Don't worry, when it arrives you won't have time to think about becoming a Dad, you'll be one. I can vividly remember the same concerns before becoming a dad for the first time but you just get on with it. I'm a grandad now with a live in grandson, so getting a fourth dose.
    If you are going to do it, do it in a kilt!

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