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Thread: Ties and kilts

  1. #31
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    Re: Ties and kilts

    Very Nice picture ... If a Chief does it .. I am doing it .
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  2. #32
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    Re: Ties and kilts

    Quote Originally Posted by Eck View Post
    It appears generally accepted that a break between kilt and tie is acceptable as with a waistcoat.
    Personally, I like the look of a matching tartan bow tie rather than just plain black bow tie when wearing my Prince Charlie jacket & vest.
    I like it and I feel comfortable.
    I have also worn a matching tartan bow tie (silk) when wearing my kilt with formal wear. I think it works because the sett is much smaller and the there is an expanse of white shirt front and a waistcoat between the tie and the kilt.

  3. #33
    davidg is offline Oops, it seems this member needs to update their email address
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    Re: Ties and kilts

    Quote Originally Posted by Eck View Post
    It appears generally accepted that a break between kilt and tie is acceptable as with a waistcoat.
    Personally, I like the look of a matching tartan bow tie rather than just plain black bow tie when wearing my Prince Charlie jacket & vest.
    I like it and I feel comfortable.
    Which is fine if you want to and can get away with it although I wouldn't as I don't like that look. When I say "get away with it" I mean that if there is a strict "black tie" dress code you run the risk of being refused entry. Rules are generally relaxed these days but there are some events, such as the Caledonian Ball, where you would probably be turned away

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    Re: Ties and kilts

    Quote Originally Posted by davidg View Post
    It's no big deal at all
    We could, but we don't, because it's over kill
    Did someone mention overkill? (There IS a tartan tie in that picture, it's just hard to see.)
    Last edited by Dale-of-Cedars; 11th November 11 at 06:03 PM. Reason: Link clarification

  5. #35
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    Re: Ties and kilts

    Quote Originally Posted by davidg View Post
    Pass. But I do have to say that I don't like that look very much myself, even if it is well accepted and very traditional

    But then again this is not about following "rules". It is about knowing what the traditions are, what the current fashions are, and then pleasing yourself. At least if you do something others would not normally do you are doing so knowingly, not out of ignorance of the customs
    Well said. Exactly.


    I have to agree with the folks who point out that "tartan tie and tartan kilt is overkill"...

    ...but notice that a number of us wear tartan waistcoats with tartan kilts. I've seen someone wearing a MacNaughton kilt, MacNaughton cadadh (tartan hose), and a MacNaughton tartan waistcoat, overlain with a brick red jacketm, and paired up with patent leather buckle brogues.. A number of us here would consider that to be the height of "proper" but yet go squeamish at the thought of a tartan tie.

    Makes no sense to me.

    BTW, I thought the guy decked out head to toe in MacNaughton looked ruddy awful, but hey, if he wants to wear the stuff, he's got the right to it.
    Last edited by Alan H; 11th November 11 at 03:38 PM.

  6. #36
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    Re: Ties and kilts

    I am in NO way giving advice here--I'm the last guy to give fashion advice to another adult, just check my avatar

    If I'm wearing a tie with a kilt, something special is going on and I just want to look good for my wife. Her's is the opinion I'm most concerned about. That said, I almost never wear a tie and kilt without a waistcoat and jacket, so I do wear a matching tartan tie on occasion. I'm also more likely to wear a three-piece suit when wearing a suit--so maybe I'm on the side of the "the vest breaks up the tartan" brigade here.
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  7. #37
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    Re: Ties and kilts

    Quote Originally Posted by davidg View Post
    Absolutely it is in the eye of the beholder... he merely raised a knowing smile amongst the rest of us who simply do not do that. We could, but we don't, because it's over kill
    There is a school of thought that says "anything worth doing is worth overdoing" Some guys can pull off tartan kilt, waistcoat, jacket...I think some could pull off the tartan tie with a kilt...try it and see if it works.


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    Re: Ties and kilts

    Quote Originally Posted by JSFMACLJR View Post
    Exactly right, Glen, a waistcoat makes all the difference in the world here.
    Regardless of my father and great-uncle, I don't wear tartan ties with the kilt, ever.
    Excellent quote Sir.
    I think your great uncle and your father look great whilst wearing tartan ties. But your own preference differs and thats what it is all about in the end - if it works for you wear it, if it does'nt then don't.

    I could be wrong here but I think the OP (Sevenoaks) was asking for OUR thoughts today (2011) on the subject, not what is regarded historically as traditon.
    The discussions of what is and is not accepted as 'tradional' have been gone over so many times in this forum and never reached a conclusion due to the various forms of highland dress over the years.

    We have seen images of highland gentlemen and Clan Chiefs in various forms of dress which some would question as being 'traditional' and I hate to see fellow Scotmen on this forum (not you Sir) use the royal 'we' as if they know better than our cousins, it's condescending.
    Last edited by Eck; 11th November 11 at 08:49 PM.

  9. #39
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    Re: Ties and kilts

    I have worn a tie that matches my tartan many times and always found that it looks better when I wear a vest/waistcoat than when I don't. I guess the vest just breaks thing up a bit.

  10. #40
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    Re: Ties and kilts

    I used to always wear a tartan tie with my kilt then I stopped wearing a tie!!

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