10th February 12, 03:25 PM
Re: Really?? Suspenders for Sagging Pants
 Originally Posted by gpmeakin
I don't know that it's bemoaning more than it's amusement and disbelief.
Fashion is one thing but in my 50+ years I don't recall any fashion, no matter how absurd, that actually hindered you from performing everyday functions (like walking).
Let's face it - this fashion is stupid. there, I said it.
Even so, it's a more than fair point, even if he had said he was amused and incredulous. Glass houses, ya know...
10th February 12, 06:11 PM
Re: Really?? Suspenders for Sagging Pants
There is an upside to sagging pants...
My brother's a police officer and he always enjoys chasing down some youngster sporting the sag...poor little bugger has to either use both hands to hold up his trousers, or go flat on his face. Makes the job much easier!
Mister McGoo
A Kilted Lebowski--Taking it easy so you don't have to.
10th February 12, 07:08 PM
Re: Really?? Suspenders for Sagging Pants
 Originally Posted by EagleJCS
I don't know if everyone is aware:
Rumor has it this look started in the jailhouses from the wearers advertising their availability for favors of a 'personal nature'. When these people left the jailhouse, they continued to wear their trousers low out of habit, and the neighborhood kids (trying to gain 'street cred' or look tough themselves, or whatever) took to imitating it.
My understanding is that this is true, in part at least. I believe the way it started was due to no belts being allowed on prisoners. The popular baggy jeans automatically sank low. (In every sense of the word.)
Not sure if the "favors" part is true, as I can't imagine THAT being a thing one would want to perpetuate.
I agree with everyone here that the look is unflattering and impractical.
I'm fine with kids having fun and "experimenting," but I object to being subjected to the underwear assaults. Perhaps my stoic New England upbringing is rearing it's prudish head, but I can't see the appeal.
As far as historically restrictive fashion is concerned, yes it's been around for hundreds of years for women. Interesting to note here that most womenswear "designers" with this slant were men. Perhaps not surprising given the power struggles between to two sexes. Ironically, the thought today is that women intentionally "subject" themselves to extreme fashion to reclaim their power.
The psychology and history of clothing can be a fascinating topic.
Sorry for the hijack!! I digress. At least I'm wearing a kilt while doing it!
"Guests, like fish, begin to smell after three days." Benjamin Franklin
10th February 12, 10:12 PM
Re: Really?? Suspenders for Sagging Pants
I think it's that y'all are old people. 
Gillmore of Clan Morrison
"Long Live the Long Shirts!"- Ryan Ross
10th February 12, 11:02 PM
Re: Really?? Suspenders for Sagging Pants
 Originally Posted by Nick the DSM
I think it's that y'all are old people.  
Well, it IS true that the overwhelming majority of the rabble thought that my idea of wearing creepers with a kilt (from another thread) was not a very good one. I also did attribute that to age at least to some degree...
18th February 12, 10:24 AM
Re: Really?? Suspenders for Sagging Pants
I had a reason to wear suspenders with overly large pants. I was a circus clown for a while.
18th February 12, 11:19 AM
Re: Really?? Suspenders for Sagging Pants
 Originally Posted by chrisupyonder
In reguards to the Gentleman modeling the product....who wears briefs these days?
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