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  1. #31
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    Let's keep our cool on both sides of the fence before this goes south.

    Father Bill; Moderator hat ON!
    Rev'd Father Bill White: Mostly retired Parish Priest & former Elementary Headmaster. Lover of God, dogs, most people, joy, tradition, humour & clarity. Legion Padre, theologian, teacher, philosopher, linguist, encourager of hearts & souls & a firm believer in dignity, decency, & duty. A proud Canadian Sinclair.

  2. The Following 2 Users say 'Aye' to Father Bill For This Useful Post:

  3. #32
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    No rancor on my side of the fence, and certainly no intent to be rude or offensive. Opinion was asked.
    My opinion was the first part - I choose this. No calling names or making accusations. The second part
    was experience. I clearly said one chooses what one will. In life are many unexpected and even unwarranted
    consequences. Like the overreactions. Please reread. I've worn mostly T-shirts longer than most here
    have been alive. For more than 45 years my hair has been south of my collar, typically somewhere between
    shoulder blades and belt. My beard currently gets caught in my kilt belt. I, like you, make my own choices.
    I am , though, more than most, cognizant that I have no control over the perceptions of other people.
    Having had this t-shirt conversation more than most, I've heard way more opinions on it than most, and not
    just from friends or people of similar views. I'm reporting to you the results of a broad spectrum of society.
    People assume that I am a moderate to heavy substance abuser, and an anarchist. I'm neither. I didn't quit,
    I never started. It's the people who have the courage to quit when appropriate that deserve kudos. The way
    I look does at least two positive things: first, it reminds me that prejudice is everywhere, and I need to be
    vigilant about rooting it out of my own thinking. I never said I'm done yet, I'm working assiduously. I can't
    change the thinking of others, that's above my pay grade. Second, relevant to teaching applied spirituality
    since 1979, I have been much called upon for ministerial counseling, much of it related to substance abuse.
    My appearance makes that an easier process. I don't control much about how the world operates, I'm just
    passing through. My intent was to say that we need be aware of consequence before acting on choice. I'm
    willing to be followed by store security and pulled over without cause if it helps me reach people. I'm willing
    to work harder to establish credibility in other groups, it forces me to be more accurate.

    The people who try to give me credit for changing and improving their lives are immediately told that they made
    the decision to change or grow, not me. I just provide perspective and say things that need to be said. Not what
    people want to hear, necessarily.

    No one who actually knows me would agree that I'm rude, or that I suck. I'll not deny the appearance might
    occasionally surface. Were I attempting to be rude, there would be no doubt. I am old, that's a matter of a
    lot of years here. Not an excuse to be offensive, an attempt to verify experience. No one need agree with me,
    I'm well used to that, and I've been called much worse. It usually means I have failed to be clear, or that someone
    didn't realize my intent. Often some of both.

    Do as YOU choose. Ya pays ya money, and ya takes ya chances. Whatever the consequences, have fun. It's
    Last edited by tripleblessed; 19th November 14 at 08:50 AM.

  4. #33
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  5. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Father Bill View Post
    Let's keep our cool on both sides of the fence before this goes south.

    Father Bill; Moderator hat ON!
    I think it went South already. I think the comments by tripleblessed are way beyond the pale. He denies any intent to be offensive, but has succeeded in being so, all the same. I think he has foot-in-mouth disease, LOL!

    [ETA: When he opens his mouth he puts his foot in it!]
    Last edited by O'Callaghan; 20th November 14 at 08:08 PM.

  6. #35
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    Okay, gang... back to T-shirts.
    Rev'd Father Bill White: Mostly retired Parish Priest & former Elementary Headmaster. Lover of God, dogs, most people, joy, tradition, humour & clarity. Legion Padre, theologian, teacher, philosopher, linguist, encourager of hearts & souls & a firm believer in dignity, decency, & duty. A proud Canadian Sinclair.

  7. #36
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    Used years always tucked (with trousers). My ex used to nag about it. She would like to see it rather untucked. She said that untucked is the only descent way for a man to wear a t-shirt.
    Later been using it the both ways depending the mood, situation, weather, and t-shirt.

    With kilt always tucked so far. I do not have a fixed opinion about it so lets see what happens in the future. Depends on the kilt, mood, weather, and situation.

    Found some almost-knee-long (=an inch above the knee) t-shirts. Perfect to use with the kilt. Always tucked.
    If people did not sometimes do silly things, nothing intelligent would ever get done.
    Ludwig Wittgenstein (26 April 1889 – 29 April 1951)

  8. #37
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    I know this is a bit off topic, but if you want to keep those t-shirts that length, be sure to let them hang to dry. If you put them in the dryer, they will shrink. The cotton used these days is not preshrunk like it was done many years ago.

    I bought several in 2000 that were down to my knees. Over time they shrank until they were at my waist - that's when they hit the rag bag. And yet still I have a few that I wore in the 70's that I still wear and are just as nice as when I bought them, & they hit the dryer very time they are washed. (I know... my kids say I can let them go, but there is nothing wrong with them - they are just as nice now as then, only softer - and in this case, age is only a number.)

  9. #38
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    I always wear my T-shirts tucked in, with any stle of clothes. Though, I have taken to wearing polo style shirts untucked. The reason for the tucked tee is that I too do not like the feel of my belt scraping against my skin, and the reason for the untucked polo is that it helps me hide the fact that I have to wear those dreadful adult diapers. (At least now, I can joke about those things with my friends.)

    By the way, when wearing my kilt, both t-shirt and polo shirt are tucked. The reason for that is that I lost weight between when I ordered the kilt and when I received it. Tucking in both shirts help me keep the kilt from falling. (Even with a belt.) So I either wear both shirts tucked in or gain weight or get another belt. With the upcoming holiday season, I bet I will not have to get a new belt or wear the shirts tucked in for a while. LOL

    I wish you all a happy holiday season.

    "Life may have its problems, but it is the best thing they have come up with so far." Neil Simon, Last of the Red Hot Lovers, Act 3. "Ob la di, Ob la da. Life goes on. Braaa. La la how the life goes on." Beatles

  10. #39
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    This is my gardening t-shirt. I'll let the photo speak for me.
    t shirt.JPG

  11. The Following 3 Users say 'Aye' to Tarheel For This Useful Post:

  12. #40
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    I wear t shirts tucked with my kilt. untucked tee shirts and a kilt both feel strange and look strange to me

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