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  1. #31
    Join Date
    21st October 13
    Stevenage Herts, UK (& Turku, Finland)
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    I've noticed that if I respond to The Question (almost always, incidentally, from a woman) by pointing out that asking about someone else's underwear (or not) in public is surely sexual harassment, certainly if done by a man to a woman, they do NOT look ashamed or apologize but rather assert "No, it's not", or "Don't be so touchy" – in other words, the classic response of the Male Chauvinist Pig when rebuked for harassing a woman.

  2. The Following 3 Users say 'Aye' to FinnKilt For This Useful Post:

  3. #32
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    Perhaps I have missed this info before, but what kind of motorcycle do you ride? Just curious. My brother threatens me if I ever ride something other than a Harley. So on rare, very rare now, occasions, I ride one of his. (He has 5.) But he thinks that wearing a kilt is weird if one is not Scottish.

    Have a good week.

    "Life may have its problems, but it is the best thing they have come up with so far." Neil Simon, Last of the Red Hot Lovers, Act 3. "Ob la di, Ob la da. Life goes on. Braaa. La la how the life goes on." Beatles

  4. The Following User Says 'Aye' to kiltedtom For This Useful Post:

  5. #33
    Join Date
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    Tom, you can see me with my bike the day of the incident described below. The bike and I are seen in post #309 of the kilted photo challenge thread. My bike is a 2000 Kawasaki 800 "Drifter". I had to sell my 1972 HDXL Sporster when I moved to MS. This what I could afford in the mean time.
    Tell your brother to think '48 Indian Chief with modern technology that runs on "eco fuel" (rice burner).

  6. The Following 2 Users say 'Aye' to Tarheel For This Useful Post:

  7. #34
    Join Date
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    CameronCat, That lady is no lady she should of gotten in trouble not him..Why punish the man ? Whether it was a woman or a man it was wrong.. If I guy did that to a woman the poop would of hit the fan... It's not right..She should of gotten in trouble, not him.. He should be able to fight that and be able to STILL wear his kilts............HERE is a story that happened to me.. I was finishing up food shopping w 2 of our sons I'm wearing a kilt.. All of a sudden a hand pinched me under my kilt, I turned around about to smack someone and it was my husband lol. He saw my Mango Tango ( metallic orange ) van and wanted to surprise me because he got out of work early.. Now that is a funny story... BUT what happened to the man wasn't right or fair or anyone else in that situation. Its a shame he is the one getting punished.. .. A true lady or gentleman would never do that...Thanks for sharing the story...Angie

  8. The Following 2 Users say 'Aye' to Angela Kaye Bodine For This Useful Post:

  9. #35
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    Do we have a sticky or something that I haven't seen on what to do when faced with the question? As a new kilt wearer, I am facing that a lot more than I expected to!

  10. #36
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wareyin View Post
    Do we have a sticky or something that I haven't seen on what to do when faced with the question? As a new kilt wearer, I am facing that a lot more than I expected to!
    I think it's a fairly simple thing. First take the kilt out of the equation, and then ask yourself how you'd feel about a stranger wanting to know if you're wearing underwear.

  11. #37
    Join Date
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    A few years ago I had a woman ask if she could put her hand under my kilt. I said, "Sure, as long as I get to put my hand up your skirt." She replied "That's disgusting! You should be ashamed of yourself" I smiled and told her, "Yes, you should!." The look of shock on her face indicated I'd made my point.
    Virginia Commissioner, Elliot Clan Society, USA
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  12. The Following 12 Users say 'Aye' to Sir William For This Useful Post:

  13. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by ratspike View Post
    I think it's a fairly simple thing. First take the kilt out of the equation, and then ask yourself how you'd feel about a stranger wanting to know if you're wearing underwear.
    Oh, I know how I feel about people asking me about my underwear, I'm just curious if people have found a tactful way to respond. I realize the question is rude, and so excuses a rude response; I just like to be as polite as I can while deflecting such a query.

  14. The Following User Says 'Aye' to Wareyin For This Useful Post:

  15. #39
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    Pretty tough to go wrong with something along the lines of "sorry but that's really none of your business". Pretty tactful and reasonably polite, and doesn't really invite further questions.

  16. The Following 2 Users say 'Aye' to ratspike For This Useful Post:

  17. #40
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wareyin View Post
    Oh, I know how I feel about people asking me about my underwear, I'm just curious if people have found a tactful way to respond. I realize the question is rude, and so excuses a rude response; I just like to be as polite as I can while deflecting such a query.
    You might try "I can keep a secret but I don't know whether you can!"
    Regards, Sav.

    "The Sun Never Sets on X-Marks!"

  18. The Following 4 Users say 'Aye' to WillowEstate For This Useful Post:

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