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  1. #31
    Pittsburgh Kilts
    Wish you could have stayed a little longer, Mychael. We arrived about 9:15, just in time for the "festivities".

    The other two kilties were Ed and John from the Highland Regiment reinactment group. I think they're members of "Xmarksthescot" now, so maybe they'll chime in.

    I'll give Jimmy a chance to tell his own story. Then I'll fill in the details. 8)

  2. #32
    Pittsburgh Kilts
    Wish you could have stayed a little longer, Mychael. We arrived about 9:15, just in time for the "festivities".

    The other two kilties were Ed and John from the Highland Regiment reinactment group. I think they're members of "Xmarksthescot" now, so maybe they'll chime in.

    I'll give Jimmy a chance to tell his own story. Then I'll fill in the details. 8)

  3. #33
    Pittsburgh Kilts
    Wish you could have stayed a little longer, Mychael. We arrived about 9:15, just in time for the "festivities".

    The other two kilties were Ed and John from the Highland Regiment reinactment group. I think they're members of "Xmarksthescot" now, so maybe they'll chime in.

    I'll give Jimmy a chance to tell his own story. Then I'll fill in the details. 8)

  4. #34
    Join Date
    23rd January 04
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    Let me start-off by saying that the Pittsburgh contingent of the kilted is small in numbers, but HUGE on personality and character! I can't thank you guys enough for coming-out!

    Mychael, you and your lovely wife supplied the official "toasting" glasses for the evening! The initial toast to celebrate the 50th anniversary was great... and one HUGE surprise!

    As for the second half... behind the tears... she said "YES!" Whew!!! I'm digging the thought of "Mrs. Carbomb"!!!

    Once Seamus got going, he had his fair share of picking on me... as usual. He would invite the women to sing a verse of a song... then the men to sing a verse... then the cross-dressers to sing a verse. (Which I later deferred to Jeff!) Jeff... what does your great wife think of the kilted crowd now?!

    The next time that there's Pittsburgh kilt night (and there will be more), we'll get it organized to be awesome!

    Again... I can't thank you guys enough for making it out to Mullaney's Harp and Fiddle. Do you have any idea how lucky you are to have such a GREAT venue for Irish drinking, dancing and music?! Maybe we can see the schedule at Finnigan's Wake (near the baseball stadium) for another night!!!
    Arise. Kill. Eat.

  5. #35
    Join Date
    23rd January 04
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    Let me start-off by saying that the Pittsburgh contingent of the kilted is small in numbers, but HUGE on personality and character! I can't thank you guys enough for coming-out!

    Mychael, you and your lovely wife supplied the official "toasting" glasses for the evening! The initial toast to celebrate the 50th anniversary was great... and one HUGE surprise!

    As for the second half... behind the tears... she said "YES!" Whew!!! I'm digging the thought of "Mrs. Carbomb"!!!

    Once Seamus got going, he had his fair share of picking on me... as usual. He would invite the women to sing a verse of a song... then the men to sing a verse... then the cross-dressers to sing a verse. (Which I later deferred to Jeff!) Jeff... what does your great wife think of the kilted crowd now?!

    The next time that there's Pittsburgh kilt night (and there will be more), we'll get it organized to be awesome!

    Again... I can't thank you guys enough for making it out to Mullaney's Harp and Fiddle. Do you have any idea how lucky you are to have such a GREAT venue for Irish drinking, dancing and music?! Maybe we can see the schedule at Finnigan's Wake (near the baseball stadium) for another night!!!
    Arise. Kill. Eat.

  6. #36
    Join Date
    23rd January 04
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    Let me start-off by saying that the Pittsburgh contingent of the kilted is small in numbers, but HUGE on personality and character! I can't thank you guys enough for coming-out!

    Mychael, you and your lovely wife supplied the official "toasting" glasses for the evening! The initial toast to celebrate the 50th anniversary was great... and one HUGE surprise!

    As for the second half... behind the tears... she said "YES!" Whew!!! I'm digging the thought of "Mrs. Carbomb"!!!

    Once Seamus got going, he had his fair share of picking on me... as usual. He would invite the women to sing a verse of a song... then the men to sing a verse... then the cross-dressers to sing a verse. (Which I later deferred to Jeff!) Jeff... what does your great wife think of the kilted crowd now?!

    The next time that there's Pittsburgh kilt night (and there will be more), we'll get it organized to be awesome!

    Again... I can't thank you guys enough for making it out to Mullaney's Harp and Fiddle. Do you have any idea how lucky you are to have such a GREAT venue for Irish drinking, dancing and music?! Maybe we can see the schedule at Finnigan's Wake (near the baseball stadium) for another night!!!
    Arise. Kill. Eat.

  7. #37
    Pittsburgh Kilts
    I think Juli (my wife) is used to the fact that coolest people are always the ones wearing kilts! (Coolest literally and figuratively, I should add).

    She wasn't too amused, though, when I got tired of the ladies at the next table trying to sneak a peek under my kilt, and finally just flashed them my ****. Then I passed out cards to their boyfriends.

  8. #38
    Pittsburgh Kilts
    I think Juli (my wife) is used to the fact that coolest people are always the ones wearing kilts! (Coolest literally and figuratively, I should add).

    She wasn't too amused, though, when I got tired of the ladies at the next table trying to sneak a peek under my kilt, and finally just flashed them my ****. Then I passed out cards to their boyfriends.

  9. #39
    Pittsburgh Kilts
    I think Juli (my wife) is used to the fact that coolest people are always the ones wearing kilts! (Coolest literally and figuratively, I should add).

    She wasn't too amused, though, when I got tired of the ladies at the next table trying to sneak a peek under my kilt, and finally just flashed them my ****. Then I passed out cards to their boyfriends.

  10. #40
    Join Date
    10th November 04
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    John and I had a wonderful time and it was good to meet you lads.

    "Bringing History To Life"

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