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  1. #431
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    My camera is charging, so no pictures right now.

    Cynthia is right, if there were more clothing items readily available in a tartan that means something to me, I would wear it more often in everyday clothes. But as it stands, it's mostly Black Watch, Stewart, and fashion tartans available.

    I plan to post some pictures one of these days in the fashion of the Style Threads that the men have. Maybe that will open up a discussion on women's traditional-looking styles (I say traditional-looking because the calf or floor length hostess skirt and sash seems to have become the norm)

    I don't have one, but I think a ladies' tartan vest over a coordinating blouse and plain black or coordinating skirt would look nice and be versatile for several different occasions.

    Ali, I drafted the pattern myself. It's two separate parts, the chemise and the overdress. Mostly rectangles. I need to put a curve under the arms of the bodice though as it doesn't allow as much movement as I would like right now.
    Last edited by Squeaky McMurdo; 10th April 09 at 02:40 PM.
    This post is a natural product made from Recycled electrons. The slight variations in spelling and grammar enhance its individual character and beauty and in no way are to be considered flaws or defects.

  2. #432
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    Over at Scotweb, almost any tartan can also be woven in silk, great for certain kinds of blouses and other frocks. I'm not exactly online just now or I'd check to see if they offered them in other fibers. As one who has posted some fashion plates here in this thread (and elsewhere) it has never been for prurient reasons or to suggest that women should wear that particular thing, but rather to suggest the range of things available to a woman (and not to men) if she were so inspired. I have offered up and also have seen here examples all the way from alluring, to demure, to nearly dowdy, and if there's not a woman who can find something appealing in this, well maybe y'all are from Venus, after all.

    I know. Women tend to not like to be told what to wear. Their bodies are their own and uniquely shaped. What works in the pictures never seems to look quite right on any given woman. But you can still take me shopping with you, and I bet we'll have fun.

    Last edited by Rex_Tremende; 10th April 09 at 03:35 PM. Reason: Cleaning up after the iPhone.
    At any moment you must be prepared to give up who you are today for who you could become tomorrow.

  3. #433
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rex_Tremende View Post
    Over at Scotweb, almost any tartan can also be woven in silk, great for certain kinds of blouses and other frocks. I'm not exactly online just now or I'd check to see if the offered them in other fibers. As one who has posted some fashion plates here in this thread (and elsewhere) it has never been for prurient reasons or to suggest that women should wear that particular thing, but rather to suggest the range of things available to a woman (and not to men) if she were so inspired. I have offered up and also have seen hereexamples all the way from alluring, to demure, to nearly dowdy, and if there's not a woman who can find something appealing in this, well maybe y'all are from Venus, after all.

    I know. Women tend to not like to be told what to wear. Their bodies are their own and uniquely shaped. What works in the pictures never seems to look quite right on any given woman. But you can still take me shopping with you, and I bet we'll have fun.


    You would probably do a much better job than I, picking out clothes. You show up, we'll go shopping. Wheee!

    Just because you are paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you.

  4. #434
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    I don't have one, but I think a ladies' tartan vest over a coordinating blouse and plain black or coordinating skirt would look nice and be versatile for several different occasions.
    I think this sounds lovely! And good work on drafting the pattern for your daughters dress, I'd love to do that for my girl.

    Rex, I'm positive that any woman would consider herself lucky to shop with you

  5. #435
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    Quote Originally Posted by ali8780 View Post
    I think this sounds lovely! And good work on drafting the pattern for your daughters dress, I'd love to do that for my girl.

    Rex, I'm positive that any woman would consider herself lucky to shop with you
    I wouldn't mind going shopping with Rex He has better judgement than I do.


  6. #436
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alan H View Post
    So, look. I put up a picture of a REAL young lady, wearing REAL clothes, in fact looking borderline sloppy. She' s not a model, she' s an attractive lass but she's not stupid-skinny It's about as real as it can get, and no comments?
    Sorry, Alan, but the way my mind works my reaction was "Friendly smile, relaxed attitude, graduate student with science major ... no time to dress up so don't worry about it, but not slovenly ... tartan jacket, Black Watch of course, comfortable, sensible/functional ... standard college/university furniture (not expensive but built for rough use/survive damage) ... Canis lupus familiaris skeleton in the background - breed indeterminate ..."
    While it is a nice example of tartan in ladies' wear, the ubiquitousness of the Black Watch made it one of the last things I focused on.
    Now, if she had been wearing (insert almost tartan here except Thompson Camel) instead, I'm willing to bet that you would have gotten some comments.

  7. #437
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    It's not that I don't mind the photos of things I wouldn't wear, it's (IMHO) the borderline inappropriate comments that some of the men have made. I don't mind a bit of ribbing now and then, but some of the comments here are ones that I wouldn't take from my friends. I would NEVER approach a kilted man and ask THAT question, nor would I EVER check, so call me foolish in that I expect the same respect in return.

    Anyway, the reason that I haven't posted pics other than my dance costumes, is.....I don't own any. I'm living vicariously through others atm.

  8. #438
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dixiecat View Post
    It's not that I don't mind the photos of things I wouldn't wear, it's (IMHO) the borderline inappropriate comments that some of the men have made. I don't mind a bit of ribbing now and then, but some of the comments here are ones that I wouldn't take from my friends. I would NEVER approach a kilted man and ask THAT question, nor would I EVER check, so call me foolish in that I expect the same respect in return.

    Anyway, the reason that I haven't posted pics other than my dance costumes, is.....I don't own any. I'm living vicariously through others atm.
    I certainly do see where the mens "enthusiasm" for pretty models and midriff-revealing clothing can come off a a bit over-the top. *nodding*

    And I understand being "broke" ESPECIALLY if you've just dropped another $350 in a dancing kilt and velvet vest. Ditto if jobs are tight and/or health concerns take up most of the budget. I certainly understand saving one's pennies for the kilt-skirt-vest-sash in the tartan that means something special to you, too.

    but no reason why you can't post a picture of something you find online that appeals to you! After all, I've posted upwards of 60 pictures in this thread and not ONE of them is of ME.

  9. #439
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    And as a total aside, Dixiecat, I think you look flippin' beautiful in your dance kilt.

  10. #440
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    Quote Originally Posted by Squeaky McMurdo View Post

    Cynthia is right, if there were more clothing items readily available in a tartan that means something to me, I would wear it more often in everyday clothes. But as it stands, it's mostly Black Watch, Stewart, and fashion tartans available.
    Us guys are in the same boat, you know? I mean, you can buy kilts in eight million tartans, but they cost a lot and try to find anything BUT the kilt, in, say MacNutt, Hunting, Ancient. It' s not happening. The only way to get such items is to pay for bespoke construction...think *expensive*...or make it yourself.

    That's why, for skirts anyway, e-bay is suck a mind-boggling deal. There are always at least 50 kilted skirts for sale on ebay, and the prices are just plain disgraceful. However, you have to be able to afford $20, have the patience to watch for your tartan in your size, and then MOVE on it, when it finally shows up.

    I don't have one, but I think a ladies' tartan vest over a coordinating blouse and plain black or coordinating skirt would look nice and be versatile for several different occasions.
    I totally and enthusiastically agree. And if there was ever something easy to make, the tartan vest has got to be *it*.

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