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  1. #41
    Join Date
    23rd January 04
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Moose
    Yes, theoretically duties are a penalty you are forced to pay so that you shop in-country, whereas taxes are one of the two inevitabilities in life that the Federal and Provincial government takes off of any of your spending.

    Speaking of hose, do Tartantown or House of Maclaren have larger sized hose? I've got big thick 17" calves and the top of the Large (largest they had) hose from scottishkilts.net just barely fits over them. Even on the smaller part above the calf where the tops fit, you can see through the hose just a bit of the white garter that the flashes are attached to.

    Not sure about House of Maclaren (I assume they do) but I know tartantown has the bigger sizes. It can also be hit and miss. The bottle green and bottle blue hose I have from tartantown are a bit tight, but the black, cream, and lovat green are all actually very roomy (garter flashes needed for sure). Doesn't hurt to see if you tell them the issue, if they will let you try them on (over other socks of course).

  2. #42
    Join Date
    13th June 05
    Columbus, Ohio USA
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Moose
    This is my fist kilt, but not my first time kilted. I've rented a couple times. One time about 7 years ago was a UBC Student Council retreat in Whistler that was a James Bond casino theme. Knowing that everybody'd be in a tux, I rented the full PC á la On Her Majesty's Secret Service, kept it a secret until I strolled into the 'casino' and wowed the crowd.
    Excellent. Glad to see another Bond fan around here.

    The question arises, naturally - in your Lazenby garb, did you get the same reaction via a lipstick that the young lady sitting to your left gave James in On Her Majesty's Secrete Service? And did it require washing off the next day?

  3. #43
    Join Date
    19th October 05
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    Heh, no, but I was standing at the black jack table, when I felt a very cold hand on my backside, followed by whoops of laughter.

    I turned around to see one of the nice women (in her late 50's) who run the office of the student council with a devilish grin.

    I winked at her and doubled down.


  4. #44
    Join Date
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    Columbus, Ohio USA
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Moose
    Heh, no, but I was standing at the black jack table, when I felt a very cold hand on my backside, followed by whoops of laughter.

    I turned around to see one of the nice women (in her late 50's) who run the office of the student council with a devilish grin.

    I winked at her and doubled down.

    Now, if you're James Bond, you need to come up with some sort of pithy remark while at the gambling table such as "Well, I see you don't have the hot hand. But unlucky at cards... "

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