14th February 06, 11:08 AM
Bought a Utilikilt and signed onto the Utilikilts Yahoo Message Board. Saw a reference to X-Marks and never looked back since.
Brian Mackay
"I find that a great part of the information I have was acquired by looking up something and finding something else on the way."
- Franklin P. Adams
14th February 06, 11:23 AM
Searching for kilt forums on google.
14th February 06, 01:33 PM
I, too, came from Tom's cafe.
14th February 06, 05:28 PM
Searching for info on a dead beat vendor and someone had a thread on here about that very vendor. Thought I'd stick around ;)
14th February 06, 05:49 PM
After buying my Buzz Kidder kilt at a local Scotish festival I was hooked. Started looking for more information on how to wear them & if anyone out there besides me had considered wearing for more than special events ect.
I found several other sites, then landed at Bravehearts & found my way here.
I found all the information I could need here plus a very likeable bunch of kilt adicts. After a while Ya'll grew on me----ya know-------uh------kinda like----a fungus ;-) & now I've been happily asimilated. :-D
14th February 06, 06:15 PM
So I was walking down the street muttering to myself, and Jessica Simpson....
No, really Jessica Simpson comes up behind me, and says "Can I trouble you to check my eye makeup?" and I say...
Jessica, what a GREAT little tartan skirt you have on. And Jessica says, "oh oh, you raging HUNK of meat, you.... you're not interested in my skirt and you know it. You want the
...to which I had to reply....oui mademoiselle avec la cheveau au lin, porquoi la tombeua esta my bueno too, but what I REALLY dig is your laptop
haar, har...get it? LAP-top? *snicker*
and Jessica, you see, me and Jessica, we go way back to my days in the Peace Corps....Jessica leans over, her top very nearly catching on my tie tack, and says ...honey. for YOU, my
favorite URL
all *breathy-like* YOU know how she is, **eyeroll** That schtick does get old after while, when you've seen her trundling around washing your car in her cutoffs so many times you've lost count.
so I just challenged her...sugarbritches, if you're gonna dish up a sweet tart promise like that, don't be givin' me no wee sleekit this or a mans' a man for a' THAT. Nooooooo-sirreeee chickadee. You want the haggis, you gotta deliver.
So she looked at me with those great, big puppy dog eyes (schnauzer, actually, I know the family) got out her hot pink pen and wrote not just her phone number AND the super-secret e-mail address that only the REAL men in Jessica's life get...
she wrote down http://www.xmarksthescot.com
....and slipped it into my fanny pack. Kissed me full-on the mouth, she did (watermelon lip gloss) promised me that she wouldn't be late for our date at the Roxy, and flounced off...
And as she was sauntering away, I started to say...Hey, Jessica, honey what tar...
but before I could finish my question, she said it.
"Hunting MacNutt"....
And, THAT, gentlemen and ladies is how I came to find X Marks the Scot.
Last edited by Alan H; 14th February 06 at 06:18 PM.
14th February 06, 06:22 PM
Break out the waders, it's getting deep!
14th February 06, 06:30 PM
I see that Scotch is a big part of somebody's valentines day ritual! ;)
15th February 06, 12:26 AM
 Originally Posted by bubba
I got the link from Toms and made the switch. It was just in time too, I was getting sick of the nonsense at Toms and was about ready to call it quits.
Ditto this Bubba.
15th February 06, 04:25 AM
Another Braveheart surfer. Looked in on a few other sites but this is the best
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