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  1. #41
    Join Date
    7th April 05
    Frederick, Maryland, USA
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    I got the same comment yelled at me from a passing car (oddly enough, it was in Chambersburg, PA). The best thing to do in those situations is to just ignore it. I've also had guys tell me how great it is that I was wearing a kilt. And not just any guys, I'm talking biker types, body builders, etc. I've also noticed an increase in the attention of attractive ladies when wearing the kilt, so I don't really care what the idiots yell from a distance.
    We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb

  2. #42
    Join Date
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    Clinton, South Carolina (USA)-> Atlanta native
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    Odd comment overheard:

    "That guy looks REAL SEXY, in an odd sort of way!!"

    Never underestimate the power of the Kilt.

    (They felt it, but could not explain it)

  3. #43
    Join Date
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    Okay.....I got my first "nice skirt, f****t" today. I just turned and saw a group of 5 or 6 teens. I came back with Which one of you P*****s said that. the group parted just like the red sea nad the culprit stood there with this dumb a** look on his face. He tried to weedle his way out of it. Just then a mall security guard came around the corner. He had heard the original remark and came to see what was going on. He then proceeded to lecture the kid about national costume and told the kid he would press charges of the hate crime variety if he did not apologize asap. Yeah, he apologized, and his buddies gave him hell for the remark on their way out of the mall with the gaurd in tow. Several people tried to explain about american youths, Thinking I was a Scottish National. I told them that I lived in the area. After that, It was Q & A time. 10 minutes explaining the Kilt and accesories. Only one asked if I was a piper. Another fun day kilted. But I live in a rural county , and I imagine that some people have never even hear of Scotland.

    Education is Power
    Power to the Kilted Rabble

  4. #44
    Join Date
    23rd April 06
    Centerville District, Fremont, California, USA, 3rd Rock
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    Some people are so narrow minded...

    A short(?) story of a narrow minded person.....

    My neighbor across the street (who happens to be my brother's mom-in-law) started making comments about my kilt, calling it a skirt, etc. while I was helping my brother work on a car. My brother sees what's coming (where she's going with her insults) and gets behind her and starts waving his hands and shaking his head "NO".

    She says I need a new name (insert female version of my given name) because I wear a skirt. (edit)There I stood, elbow-deep in a greasy mid-70's Chevrolet pickup just trying to do the right thing and ignore her.(end edit) I'm sorry but I couldn't take it any more and blurted out "Can we rename you 'Cletus' because you have a narrow, red-neck mindset?"

    Her boyfriend has to leave the garage because he's laughing too hard. My brother is dying, trying to keep a straight face. My brohter's son-in-law hit his head on the underside of the car in response to my outburst. Meanwhile, the full impact hit my neighbor. Her face turns bright red and she slowly walks in the house, not to return until I left.

    The trouble is, she doesn't know how to say she made a mistake. She has even told my brother this, but can't say it to my face. Oh Well, these things happen. She still avoids me to this day (it's been severeal weeks now). Her boyfriend and my brother think I did the right thing.

    (edit) in hindsight, I guess that I shouldn't have said what I did but my brother and his son-in-law needed help. They were like watching 2 brain surgeons working on a car (or was it 2 mechanics doing brain surgery) and would have made some bad errors had I not stayed until the bitter end. Did I mention she had been hammering on me for about 1 hour at the point of the 'name change incident?' (end edit)

    The moral of this story: Don't let others try to dictate what you want to do. Life is too short to allow narrow-minded people to spoil it for you. Go ahead and wear your Kilt proudly!

    "Grease will wash out of a canvas kilt. The sporran was another matter"
    Last edited by bunchdescendant; 17th July 06 at 01:17 AM.
    "There's no such thing as magical ponies!"
    Statement made by pink winged pony
    with crossed axes tattooed on her rump

  5. #45
    Join Date
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    Queen Creek, Arizona, U.S.A.
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    Quote Originally Posted by bunchdescendant
    A short(?) story of a narrow minded person.....

    My neighbor across the street (who happens to be my brother's mom-in-law) started making comments about my kilt, calling it a skirt, etc. while I was helping my brother work on a car. My brother sees what's coming (where she's going with her insults) and gets behind her and starts waving his hands and shaking his head "NO".
    Yes, and I bet while this clueless lady was doing all this she was wearing pants.

    Women have been wearing pants because 50 years ago they decided they didn't want to be forced to always wear dresses and skirts so they started wearing men's clothing to see if it was more comfortable which at the time was cross-dressing.

    Now they are going to harass us because we are trying kilts, which has for HUNDREDS of years been a men's garment, to see if it might be more comfortable? I DON'T THINK SO!!

    I guess if a woman gave me a difficult time I would explain that the kilt for hundreds of years has been a male garment and then ask them why THEY are cross-dressing if they are so narrow-minded and want to pretend like we are living in the past....say 50 years or so earlier than what the calendar states.

    My calendar says we are living in the 21st century and it's time for some changes...

    Phil in Phoenix

  6. #46
    Join Date
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    Several good stories here!! Thanks for sharing them.

  7. #47
    Join Date
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    Thanks to everyone for sharing these stories. I know it makes all feel better that we are not alone in hearing the skirt or ****** comments. Thanks I have learned a few new responses for the few idiots that wont go away.

  8. #48
    Join Date
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    Hi all, been gone for quite a while and came back to see how things are going! Guess it's all good as the post counts are all up!

    Quote Originally Posted by bunchdescendant
    (edit) in hindsight, I guess that I shouldn't have said what I did but my brother and his son-in-law needed help. They were like watching 2 brain surgeons working on a car (or was it 2 mechanics doing brain surgery) and would have made some bad errors had I not stayed until the bitter end. Did I mention she had been hammering on me for about 1 hour at the point of the 'name change incident?' (end edit)

    The moral of this story: Don't let others try to dictate what you want to do. Life is too short to allow narrow-minded people to spoil it for you. Go ahead and wear your Kilt proudly!
    Ray, I disagree with you in that you shouldn't have said that. People need to be held accountable for their actions. And if she was going to say something so asinine as that, then you had every right in the world to say what you did. I will even go so far as to say you should have said what you did.

    I hear what people are saying about turning the other cheek (which could be even cheekier in a kilt), and for the most part, I agree. But no one should have to put up with an hour of that sort of crap, especially when you're trying to help someone out. She was trying to get a rise out of you, and you turned the tables on her. I say more power to you.

  9. #49
    Join Date
    25th June 05
    On The Long Road
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    Imagine everyone getting along just fine without any fighting or strife or misunderstanding?
    What a drag that would be. No need of explanation. No interpretation of languages would be needed. Both teams would walk on to the play field and agree that today the score will be 9 to 14, the checked shirts win over the grays. The weatherman would have friends. Locksmiths would lose business due to lack of the need of security, everyone is trustworthy. All would be a totally monotonous existence of people being together with little or no idea of what to stretch for next.
    Thank goodness for ignorance (not mine of course).
    When there are people that don't know, we then have someone to share information and intelligence with. Even if it is over their heads. Given enough time and humor, some of the uneducated could be cured of ignorance. We can't fix the whole world alone. Probably, we can't fix it as a well organized body. However, as one man to his friend , neighbor, or local group I can reach out with an experienced word or a giving hand. Past experience has me watching out that I don't pull back a stump where the hand once was. Even so, I look before I leap and try to make it fun for all it's worth.
    Some rib jabbing is appreciable for amusement, especially if it's at the jokers expense.
    Go, have fun, don't work at, make it fun! Kilt them, for they know not, what they wear. Where am I now?

  10. #50
    Join Date
    11th August 04
    South East England
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    I have never had a bad comment in may years of kilt wearing, always very positive.

    However I do take a good look in the mirror b4 venturing out.

    Saw some kilted tourists in Edinburgh at lunchtime today, I guess they had just purchased some of the £25 kilts on the royal mile here, they looked silly just like they were wearing a granny tartan skirt, what a poor advert; but hey were only having fun for cheep.

    A Korean girl this week at the exhibition asked about my "Skirt" but I see it as positive, she thought I looked very good and by the end was calling it a kilt.

    I guess I have heard 1 or 2 "like the skirt" but then I have always gone into positive conversation "Thank you" I say then get talking and it all ends up positive.

    Good luck, dont give up ; but dont look silly keep it masculine...
    Last edited by Martyn; 19th July 06 at 04:06 PM.

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