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  1. #41
    Join Date
    21st January 08
    Salt Lake City, Utah
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    We went to Disneyworld the last week of January this year, must say got dozens of compliments on being kilted, in fact one fellow came up to me in Epcot and asked if I was in the band playing over in UK section or if I was just " a regular guy in a kilt?".
    Another fellow correctley identified that I was wearing a SWK, caught me right off guard. I highly recommend a kilted Disney vacation. It was grand for me.
    [Sl'ainte na bhfear agus go maire na mna go deo, Agus b'as n 'Eireann."Health to the men and may the women live forever, and may you die in Ireland"

  2. #42
    Join Date
    18th February 09
    Atlanta, GA
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    Just got back from my disney vacation and here are some pics from it that I think you guy might like.

    Me in my black watch sport kilt at the Florida welcome center.

    Me in my black stewart sport kilt after getting off test track at epcot.

    Some pics of the very cool Canadian Celtic band Off Kilter at epcot.

    All in all it was a great trip! I didn't wear my kilts every day but I was much happier on the days I did wear it than the days I didn't. Only had it fly up a bit on me when we rode test track but I was in the front and was quick to make sure I didn't flash everybody.

    I bought a beer in the UK section at epcot before going to go see Off Kilter and the guy I bought it from was from Glasgow, Scotland I asked him what he thought about non scots wearing kilts. (I was wearing my black stewart) He just shruged a bit and said "Well, the Canadians are wearing them so I don't see why not." He asked if I was scottish decent I told him I wasn't but I love kilts.

    I had a lot of the usual questions however this was the first time I ever got the do you play the bagpipes question. I think I got it 3 or 4 times this trip.

    The only kinda bad incident was from a girl in the Norway section. She said "Nice, skirt! Are you Irish or something?" She did not have a good tone about her. I said no then she asked "Are wearing anything under there?" I just said its none of your business but yes I am. Then we left Usually the people wear very nice and interested about it.

    I did wear underwear most of the time because I knew I might be sitting on the ground and small kids were running around everywhere and I didn't want to ruin someone else's vacation by giving their kid and unfortunate view.

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