I liked the part where Tony thanks Mr. Heffner for coming.
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Great movie! Saw it whilst kilted, no less. Might even have to go see it again.
Definitely stay till the end of the credits. I started to get up and the couple next to me said that I might want to wait till the end. Well worth it for the fans.
I wrote a rather lengthy review of it here if anyone's interested.
Originally Posted by Yaish
Speaking of Incredible... The trailer for The Incredible Hulk before the movie looked awesome. I wanted to see this movie after viewing the first trailer online, but seeing this second trailer really makes we want to see it. I always like Tim Roth as a bad guy but it looks like he outdoes himself in this role.
I'm really skeptical about the Hulk movie, but then again, I never really cared for the Hulk.
Originally Posted by mbhandy
I liked the part where Tony thanks Mr. Heffner for coming.
That was hilarious! Me and my friends were the only ones in the theater who laughed at that part. I guess we were the only geeks who got the joke...
Originally Posted by Yaish
I always like Tim Roth as a bad guy but it looks like he outdoes himself in this role.
I thought he did a great job in Rob Roy. Love that movie.
Oh, cool Robert Downey Jr. story that happened today
My brother in law Joe is a big sports autograph collector and Lakers fan. This morning he was at the Lakers game and while waiting around he saw one the free newspapers that had a full page cover with Iron Man on it. He was reading through it, waiting to go in, and all of a sudden one of those Audi convertibles that Tony Stark drives in the movie pulls up. Jokingly, he says "hey look, it's Robert Downey Jr." Well it wasn't, but about five minutes later a SECOND Audi pulls up only this one has been stretched into a limo and sure enough, Robert Downey Jr. gets out. Turns out one of the kids in line next to my brother in law was actually his nephew. Since he had his sharpie on him, Joe got RDJ's autograph on the paper with the Iron Man picture.
It doesn't end there though. After the game on the way out Joe had grabbed another paper and waited around for Robert Downey Jr. to come out again. He signed a few more autographs for a couple people, and Joe asked for his autograph again but he just got in the limo. My brother in law says "Aw come on man, I took my son to see your movie three times on Friday, would you sign this?"
Robert Downey Jr says "You took your son to see my movie three times this weekend?"
Joes says "No, I took him three times just on FRIDAY."
RDJ got out of the limo and signed the paper to my nephew.
Pretty cool I think. Joe said Downey looked overwhelmed by the fan reaction too, like he was just a bit awed that everyone wanted to take pictures with him and get his autograph. Not surprising really, I think Iron Man made more this weekend alone than all his other movies combined.
If you ever have any doubts about Downey's abilities, rent "Chaplin".
Once you get a look at that one, you'll be among those of us who have been hoping that he can put all the distractions behind him and get down to some serious work...sounds like "Iron Man" is a step in that direction.
I guarantee that they won't give him an Oscar nom for "Iron Man" but watch out for a movie called "The Soloist"...I heard things....
Well I didn't get to go see it over the weekend, but I'm hoping to see it this week.
But I'm wondering, should I stay until the credits are over? No one has mentioned anything about that
Sapienter si sincere Clan Davidson (USA)
Bydand Do well and let them say...GORDON! My Blog
" I'll have a scotch on the rocks. Any scotch will do as long as it's not a blend of course. Single malt Glenlivet, Glenfiddich perhaps maybe a Glen... any Glen." -Swingers
Originally Posted by Panache
I don't remember Tony Stark being that cool though
i don't remember Robert Downey, Jr being that cool.
Originally Posted by auld argonian
Hey...wait aminnit...I thought that Prester John looked familiar...
....oh, wait...it's Jeff Bridges as the bad guy in Iron Man...I guess the Dude Abides!
You GUESS that the Dude Abides?
Dude---the Dude abides. It's what he does. It is the quintessence of his nature!
I'm halfway surprised there's not a First Church of the Dude, Abiding, with Walter as the ethos enforcer.
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