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  1. #41
    M. A. C. Newsome is offline

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    I don't know the first thing about the Pride of Scotland shop, but the Pride of Scotland tartan is actually a copyrighted and proprietary tartan of MacColls of Aberdeen. Unfortunately, it has been ripped off and mass produced by a number of different companies, which is why you can find it all over Ebay and elsewhere. Last I heard, MacColls were pretty actively trying to enforce their rights on this tartan and restrict all the unauthorized production of it, though I don't know how much luck they are having, as you can still see it for sale everywhere.

  2. #42
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    Pride of Scotland Shop

    I've just joined this forum because I was interested in reading an article about the Gold Brothers being in hot water. However I don't seem to be allowed to access this. Any ideas?
    There is a 'Pride of Scotland' shop on the Canongate (Royal Mile Edinburgh) it is not owned by the Gold Brothers. It is run by Seiks who rumour has it are cousins of the Seiks who run the 'Best Fae Scotland' 'Prestige Scotland' 'Cant remember the other shops name' and the awful 'Canongate Stores' It could be possible that all these shops employ the same web designer hence the similarity.
    I live on the Royal Mile Edinburgh so I will keep my ears open for information. I think I may have entered the wrong time zone when registering.

    This forum looks interesting so I am glad I joined.

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by Auntie TartanTat View Post
    I've just joined this forum because I was interested in reading an article about the Gold Brothers being in hot water. However I don't seem to be allowed to access this. Any ideas?
    There is a 'Pride of Scotland' shop on the Canongate (Royal Mile Edinburgh) it is not owned by the Gold Brothers. It is run by Seiks who rumour has it are cousins of the Seiks who run the 'Best Fae Scotland' 'Prestige Scotland' 'Cant remember the other shops name' and the awful 'Canongate Stores' It could be possible that all these shops employ the same web designer hence the similarity.
    I live on the Royal Mile Edinburgh so I will keep my ears open for information. I think I may have entered the wrong time zone when registering.

    This forum looks interesting so I am glad I joined.
    I would suggest just click on the Search function and typing in Gold Bros. You will come up with a lot of hits. You could also search by Royal Mile, or copyright, or lawsuit, and find many articles.

  4. #44
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    Pride of Scotland Shop

    Thank you for your help. I have now managed to read the article about the Gold Brothers.

    The Pride of Scotland Shop on the Canongate looks as if it is very well run. They dont have lots of horrendeous tat hanging outside and they dont play tinnitus inducing music all day long. They are good guys. The other four shops that their cousins run are a different story. They hang all their tat outside and play their bl**** music all day long. Their shops are a complete eyesore and all the residents in the area are fed-up with them. Nobody can understand why the authorities allow the Royal Mile to be degraded in such a manner. Residents are not allowed to put satellites dishes at the front of the building - yet these shops can hang all sorts of tat!!! I'm looking for ways to encourage tourists to avoid these shops so encourage the shop owners to be more respectful. So please spread the word to all visitors to Edinburgh - we need your help.

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