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  1. #41
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    While it may be cheating, you can get rabbit pelt either naturally or dyed in all sorts of configurations.

    We just recently bought some rabbit pelts that are colored just like a coyote, which works well since we bought a coyote face pelt too. The wife will be working on her first attempt at making me a sporran here very shortly. Coyote face with rabbit pelt that happens to match the coyote colors perfectly.

  2. #42
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    Epping Sodbury, Lower Wombleshire
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    No problem with bunny. Most of my sporrans are bunny or bovine. Easier to move across borders.

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dukeof Kircaldy View Post
    I did that's what got me going. I've been thinking about this since I saw a white fox sporran. A major problem with me and fancy fur is that the ones I want are pretty much ILLEGAL. So, that kind of knocks down the price range. I don't fancy the hassle of traveling internationally with grandad's seal sporran. So, bunny and cow are the best choices.
    Is it illegal to own artic fox? They arnt on the endangered species list. The timber wolf that is on that site IS however illegal. Although they were Federally de-listed last year, they are still a protected species. I had thought the bobcat, or the lynx for our northern cousins (and what is pictured at http://www.sporrans.com/badger.html) was also protected but i guess not. Even a search of the Missouri dept of conservation site dosnt mention anything about them being protected. You may need a license to hunt them but i'm not sure. I am personally opposed to using animals as purses, but to each their own, as long as they arnt using endangered animals. They just wont ever see me pulling my keys outa the head of some poor wee dead animal.

  4. #44
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    What I'd like to know is where I could find a good quality head on, in Badger, coon, or skunk, that HAS PLENTY OF ROOM IN IT, has a soft head with no eyes, and has a general shape that's in line with the traditional Scottish asthetic.

    Turpin, I'm guessing you could probably make something just like that, without batting an eye. If so, when I've got more coin in tow, we may have to have a word.

  5. #45
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    The Standard line of different laws for different jurisdictions. There have been rumblings about licences needed to own sporrans in Britain, which has been discussed on this site. I live between the US and UK which causes some hassles given my love for weaponry and sporrans.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lyrd View Post
    Is it illegal to own artic fox? They arnt on the endangered species list. The timber wolf that is on that site IS however illegal. Although they were Federally de-listed last year, they are still a protected species. I had thought the bobcat, or the lynx for our northern cousins (and what is pictured at http://www.sporrans.com/badger.html) was also protected but i guess not. Even a search of the Missouri dept of conservation site dosnt mention anything about them being protected. You may need a license to hunt them but i'm not sure. I am personally opposed to using animals as purses, but to each their own, as long as they arnt using endangered animals. They just wont ever see me pulling my keys outa the head of some poor wee dead animal.

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan Ross View Post
    What I'd like to know is where I could find a good quality head on, in Badger, coon, or skunk, that HAS PLENTY OF ROOM IN IT, has a soft head with no eyes, and has a general shape that's in line with the traditional Scottish asthetic.

    Turpin, I'm guessing you could probably make something just like that, without batting an eye. If so, when I've got more coin in tow, we may have to have a word.
    I try to create as much room as is consistent with appearance and good closure since the fur styles are not typically draw-string sporrans. I am experimenting with making the front and rear panels less stiff so that even if the gusset isnot as deep as my Rob Roy style, the sporran will flex well to allow for easy hand entry.

    Feel free to contact me when ready. I've worked with all three types of fur.
    Convener, Georgia Chapter, House of Gordon (Boss H.O.G.)

    Where 4 Scotsmen gather there'll usually be a fifth.
    7/5 of the world's population have a difficult time with fractions.

  7. #47
    Semiomniscient is offline Membership voided at member request
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    Yes, I have to agree with Matt. (Although I don't know the company of the ones I've seen... I saw them at Stone Mountain.) My uncle is a taxidermist, and I immediately think some of these sporrans should be up in his shop (they appear well made!). I don't typically like sporrans with eyes, flat or protruding... it's just creepy to me. (And don't get me wrong. I grew up where my dad and grandfather almost exclusively wore full mask sporrans--as my grandfather made them himself as he had access to animal pelts. So I don't think they're weird or anything.) But some of those things look... TOO ALIVE! ;-)

  8. #48
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    For anyone inclined to make their own, I reckon a ladies fox stole may be a good starting point. These things can be found in junk shops and on Ebay. They are essentially a scarf made from a fox pelt; usually with head, tail and feet intact.

  9. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lyrd View Post
    Is it illegal to own artic fox? They arnt on the endangered species list. The timber wolf that is on that site IS however illegal. Although they were Federally de-listed last year, they are still a protected species. I had thought the bobcat, or the lynx for our northern cousins (and what is pictured at http://www.sporrans.com/badger.html) was also protected but i guess not. Even a search of the Missouri dept of conservation site dosnt mention anything about them being protected. You may need a license to hunt them but i'm not sure. I am personally opposed to using animals as purses, but to each their own, as long as they arnt using endangered animals. They just wont ever see me pulling my keys outa the head of some poor wee dead animal.

    I know that the bobcat is not protected in Missouri. I had buddies in highschool that would trap them in season and make a killing (hehehe-pun intended) of the pelts.

    I didnt think I would be a full mask kind of guy but I really like the artic fox sporrans. So white and beautiful. . . I am going to try to make a skunk full mask, or at least hair on here soon.


  10. #50
    Hello, just to add a little more about our sporrans here at Robertson Sporrans. We make a traditional full mask sporran, ours are not just a piece of pelt glued to a leather sporran. We use the whole pelt to make it. I have not seen anyone out there that does that. Nice size and soft pouch. The heads on our sporrans are crafted to look natural but lays flat to the pouch when worn. light weight and a oversized hanger on the back that we have designed. They truly are a one of a kind sporran. Everyone hand made to order. It's hard to imagine what was just decribed. But, they are a traditional sporran. Pictures on our site. Thanks to all that are sporting our product and Thanks for taking time out of your day to read a little about our sporrans. Special Thanks to ForresterModern for the post about us.

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